Musings —03.27.2013 08:18 AM
—Oakley Show: wherein the Fords and I get to express what we think of each other
I started by pointing out that many other politicians who battled with the bottle – George W. Bush, Brian Mulroney and (to a lesser extent) Ralph Klein – conquered their demons, and came back to be big winners. I said voters are pretty forgiving, and I could see voters forgiving Rob Ford, but he needed to take the first step.
The Oakley guys then brought on Rob’s red-necked, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing brother, Doug, to talk over me. A string of insults and epithets commenced.
That bully bullshit might work with someone else, but not Your Humble Narrator. I thereupon told Dougie, in the nicest possible way, that he was sleazy, a buffoon, a disaster and that he should spend more time actually doing his job instead of going on talk radio 24/7.
It was a lot of fun. If someone finds a link, send it along.
Warren, that is no way to speak to the next leader of the Ontario PC party.
Surely you jest. Rob Ford would never slum it in that position. He’s clearly the next Senator for Ontario.
I was speaking of Doug. And he has already mused about running provincially
Oh man, A Doug & Randy show would be enough to make me move to Quebec and become a Pequiste..
Please find this link! Sounds like some gold listening.
I’d like to hear this one, never listen to oakley so missed it.
Had to steal the comic for my FB profile too 😉
Rats, the one time I would have declined to the pit of the radio dial —–
You know, of course, that Dug is bragging to anyone who will listen that he “tore you a new one and put you in your place and you’re nothing but a commie pinko, blah, blah, blah blaaaahhhhh!”
Having Doug on as a defender of the faith just illustrates how disinterested Oakley and all the other Ford-enablers are in actually addressing any problems. I have noted the august publication you contribute to (and there is nothing wrong with that, by the by; don’t mean to suggest otherwise) also seems more interested in covering for the Big Guy … the column in today’s paper basically ignores the potential for disaster for Ford from this type of problem, and opts for trying to discredit the source. Of course, the Star would have to rely on unnamed sources – who in their right mind would come forward alone to speak for the record on this? But it does not mean it ain’t true ….
Well, I didn’t find it.
However, Dougie is definitely a whiner and cry baby. He sounds like a wrestling promoter and a weird one at that. Never answered any questions and the more he talks, the more I think he’s full of it. How and where did they save the city a billion dollars? That’s hard to believe but maybe that’s Enron accounting.
At any rate, they get away with it which leaves me shaking my head in disbelief. If the Peter Principle holds that a person rises to their level of incompetence, then Robbie should be replacing Harper or Ban Ki-moon anytime now.
I heard the billion dollars thing as well, that can’t be possible.
If the Star had anything but pure hatred for Ford, they would have vetted the story. They would have found someone to say he is an alcoholic. They would have run the in-depth stories about the cocaine-addicted members of McGuinty’s cabinet.
But no, we get hundreds of lines of print about a fat guy eating at KFC. Yelling at someone to stay away from his home; et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
If Toronto was smart, they’d make their leadership work, instead of fixating on their human problems.
If Toronto was smart they would have elected real leadership that could deal with all of a big city’s problems, instead of this moron and his brother who would be an embarrassment to the denizens of Dogpatch. But as they say, for every problem there is a solution that is simple, easy to explain and totally wrong.
Wait – you’re a civil servant and you think that the Star didn’t vet this story? Have you no concept of the layers of lawyers and editors this story must have gone through to include those sources? If Ford believes they are lies, then he should be suing the Star to high heaven – something that he probably won’t do…
Hm, the only clip I found at the end of the link was 7 plus minutes of Doug Ford rambling on.
Does the Ford side think we are stupid, now when supporter like Jerry Agar and Oakly parrots things its one thing, but John Tory should be ashamed.
1)anomoyous sources if Rob really was falling down drunk it would be on u tube. John Tory had to ask mother Ford for permission to run for Mayor, these are conservative events, you think anyone wants to cross momma Ford.
2) Doug H and Doug F, “never seen him take a drink” Oh then how did he get thrown out the Leaf game, and get the DUI in Florida. Its an insult to our intelligence, yet intelligent people do not call them out, see number one above for the reason.
Aargggggg.. where is this mysterious link. All I get is the Round one’s other brother Doug calling someone Johnny a lot which sounds very fifties. Hmmmm.
The fifties is both the decade the Fords live in, and their collective IQ.
bada bing, bada boom 🙂
Sounds like a private club – Dougie and Johnny. Cronyism; alive and well in Canada.