03.20.2013 08:29 AM

The blood of children

The front of today’s New York Daily News.  The NRA, and organizations like it, are terrororist organizations, and should be treated as such.


  1. WDM says:

    For all the speeches, and for all the ground he broke, if nothing happens on this file, THIS is Barack Obama’s legacy.

  2. Sean says:

    I agree with Warren. The NRA is a terrorist organization. They are inciting violence by promoting manufactured paranoia.

  3. GPAlta says:

    Surely you mean Bushian? or Toewsian?
    Which Suzuki are you talking about, if you don’t mind my asking?

    • GPAlta says:

      Or maybe you mean Christian?
      Matthew 12 : 30 “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”
      Dangerous thinking for sure.

    • GPAlta says:

      “When asked for further comment, Dan Maceluch, a spokesman for Dr. Suzuki, said that he did not mean the statement to be taken literally.”

      “He’s not advocating locking people up, but he is pulling his hair out.”


      It is only my opinion, but I think that Bush or Toews would make the point much more clearly. Bush especially since it is the 10 year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.

      Plus, Warren isn’t actually talking about treating the NRA as terrorists because of their opinions on policy. He is talking about treating them as terrorists for their actions.

      He is talking about their activities that have coerced and intimidated the population, he is talking about their activities that have coerced and intimidated the US government, and he is talking about how the violence that they have orchestrated has affected the US government. The difference of opinion is whether they have actually contravened the Patriot Act by any of their activities, not whether guns should be legal.

  4. patrick says:

    It’s just sad.

  5. Lynn says:

    Send lawyers, guns and money
    They’ll get me out of this, hyeah— from my other favourite Warren

    Interesting that Mr. Zevon wrote this in about 1978 –and it is now the holy trinity of American culture — entitled, armed and rich. The NRA leadership and those who believe in unfettered access to guns better watch out. Those with real money and power with lots of stuff to protect will have a tank. I can see it now, assault rifle big deal, I got a tank in my garage.

  6. Philippe says:

    WTF is wrong with that society? Seriously, someone explain, WTF is so wrong with those idiots that they can’t pass an assault rifle ban after little children are slaughtered? Sorry, don’t have anything better to say.

    • Warren says:

      That says it all, my friend.

      • Tired of it All says:

        Concur. Obama’s right on assualt weapons, the rest are wrong; how the machine deals with the morality of the issue is beside the point. He’s done what he can. Legal guns will remain, as will the willful misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

  7. Bill Jasmine says:

    on the topic of terrorism:

    Justin Trudeau has set the twitterverse ablaze by writing “just watch me” in response to whether he could beat Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

    While unsurprising in a country where about 97% of the population is historically and ideologically illiterate, this is an incredibly flippant statement that dishonours the unfortunate, murdered victims of terrorism, the unfortunate victims of misguided counter-terrorism, and forgets the fact that this now famous statement was uttered in regards to the only peace time use of the war measures act – the suspension of habeas corpus and civil liberties. Apparently, the Liberal Party has abandoned all strategy to increase support in Quebec.

    Beyond dullness of thought, it belies deeper sociopathologies in the collective consciousness of the Liberal milieu. The narrative of Stephen Harper as the devil is nothing new. But are we to conclude that the Trudeauites believe Harper and his Conservative minions constitute such a grave terrorist threat to Canada and Canadians that any and all means should be employed to smoke ’em out, to use George Bush’s catchy propaganda.

    Further, the language of the Liberal Party has taken on the vibe of Shakespeare festival or a Latin Mass. Language is frozen in time, the incantations on infinite loop. Anthropologically, this is magical thinking, something akin to cargo cults; by trying to create a replica of Trudeaumania, the afterglow of the summer of love, in this case, the dark days of the October crisis, the Liberal Party believes through sympathetic magic and the voodoo doll of Anglo-Saxon Canada, the good times will return.

    In fact, this siege mentalite is a constant poison at the heart of the Liberal Party. The historical revisionism needed to laud the Maoist and Stalinist systems. The slavish adulation of Fidel Castro. Chumming it up at Hugo Chavez’s funeral. Uncritical support of the Iranian regime. Etc, etc. What a bizarre day when me as a Western, Anglo, Libertarian find myself lumped in with Marxist FLQ terrorists.

    The State is the coldest of all cold monsters.

  8. JH says:

    Sorry folks but CNN ( not exactly a bastion of GOP supporters) is reporting that the reason Senate leader Democrat Harry Reid pulled the plug on the legislation is that it would jeopradize 10 plus democratic senate seats.
    The bill’s sponser democrat Dianne Finestone is seriously pissed at her own party’s leadership including Obama.
    I don’t mind partisanship or fighting for your side of the political spectrum, but to deliberately ignore the facts of the matter is delusional at least and idiotic at the most.
    I guess the days of ‘do the right thing’ nor matter what, don’t apply on either side of the political equation anymore?

    • Y. Mouse says:

      Isn’t listening to one’s constituents “the right thing” for an elected official to do in a constitutional republic/democracy?

  9. Outsider says:

    It’s his opinion. One that he has every right to express. It’s not “dangerous thinking,” it’s thinking – and expressing. Just as you have every right to do, and have been allowed to do here.

    It is also, by the way, an opinion held by myself and millions of others … not that numbers alone serves to buttress the opinion in question, but there is something to be said for a widely-held opinon …

    • Outsider says:

      Don’t need your pity or your pronunciations of “dangerous thinking.” I was just trying to politely say that, even tho I think you are full of shit, it is your right to express yourself. And, to be clear: Just because you pronounce it as “dangerous thinking’ does not necessarily make it so …

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