03.04.2013 10:59 AM

Windsor-Tecumseh and London West

With Sandra Pupatello, the Ontario Liberals would have had a big win in Windsor; without her, they won’t. The Ontario NDP will cruise to victory there, as things stands now. So sayeth 308’s polling synthesis model.

In London West, where Chris Bentley had big numbers in the past – and where the Ontario PCs once ruled supreme – it is the Ontario NDP that is seen as “the most likely to win.”

The discussion of both by-elections is here.

What’s it all mean? You know what it means.


  1. jeremy says:

    When will you let the Sandra thing go?? Move on buddy

  2. Brendan says:

    It would be a shock if London West actually went PC. Hudak is not popular. It is possible it could happen if the vote split seen in the Forum poll of the riding holds up. But Warren generally says not to trust Forum polls anyway.

  3. Brendan says:

    As much as us Liberals would like to retain Windsor-Tecumseh, I wouldn’t call it a safe seat. Duncan only won it by 10 points in 2011 and the NDP hold the same seat federally by a wide margin.

  4. reformatory says:

    Windsor seat could have been Liberal, but Sandra is choosing not to run. What does this say about what she thinks of the OLP. She is choosing not to run in an important seat in a party that she recently tried to be the leader for? If she cared about the OLP she would run in Windsor. If she cares only about herself, then she will run federally to ride JT’s coat tales.

    The London seat, is another matter. The OLP did that to themselves with the “powerplant fiasco”. Had they not messed up that file and had they not sacrificed Bentley…. that seat coulda still been in play.

    EITHER WAY.. it spells trouble for the OLP. I’m hoping for an NDP minority. Anything but wHudaT!

  5. Michael says:

    Every new poll that comes out suggests that any one of the three parties are either 1st or last. Things are just too volatile to be making any kind of prediction.


  6. Ian says:

    Easy there, its not time to panic. Considering the terrible record of Mcguinty and Duncan this is far better than the party deserves. Thank you Tim Hudak for listening to the far right voice nattering in your ear.


    Poll suggest Wynne’s Liberals would win another minority government
    A Forum Research survey estimates Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals would again win 53 seats in the 107-member house with the Tories taking 36.

  7. Brendan says:

    “The London seat, is another matter. The OLP did that to themselves with the “powerplant fiasco”. Had they not messed up that file and had they not sacrificed Bentley…. that seat coulda still been in play.”

    London West is still in play. It is a tossup between all three parties. Although it is true that had the power plant issue not been messed up, Bentley would not have resigned and would still be the member for London West.

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