Musings —04.09.2013 06:04 PM
And the little bastards who did it deserve to get what those little bastards got in Ohio. Times ten.
Musings —04.09.2013 06:04 PM
—And the little bastards who did it deserve to get what those little bastards got in Ohio. Times ten.
As a father of girls, it sickens me to see how justice and school system failed this girl.
I just listened to the mother on As It Happens. I agree with you.
I thought of The Band singing Dylan’s Tears of Rage as Carol Off conducted this interview. She was as close to tears as I was with rage and compassion but I think we all know these rats will slip through the exits of evil as have so many before them.
In my usual unsophisticated view, this is another strong case for some kind of alternate and perhaps illegal justice such as a good old fashion vigilantee party. Sometimes the accountability systems are so ridiculous that some intervention seems to be the only way some kind of justice can be done.
I can tell you and I think you might share my enthusiasm, and given I have two girls, I would hunt these fuckers down and lay a beating on them that they will never recover from and I would sue the bejesus out of everyone involved.
Where this poor girl’s mother finds her strength is beyond my comprehension. God bless her.
If I could I would outsource our penal system to the Russians and let these rats fight for their rights with the polar bears in some place like Oh.. Lemme see…Vladivostok.
Ya man, but in my world they would have no rights! I wouldn’t subject the polar bears to these pieces of shit.
Don’t know where Vladivostok is, but it sounds good to me.
This sad, sad, terrible thing reminds me why I should continue to not have a gun license or a gun.
Sarah Palin can see Vladivostok from her porch. It was once home to many gulags and the endpoint for the infamous highway of tears.
Warren – I agree with you on this. No one in the justice system or in the school administration helped this girl.
very typical of a system that likes to push “it’ takes a Village” philosophy and yet when there’s trouble that Village can’t circle its wagons against the child fast enough.
Just another example of what school administrations are good at. Pathetic.
Honestly, if it had been my daughter, sister or niece, and the law failed, I’m pretty sure I would be doing time for an act of revenge. I hope I never have to find out.
There aren’t enough women in a position of power – and I don’t mean that wretch Thatcher – to voice an alternative view of the world.
If these 4 characters have not been charged with anything, why cannot their names be published?
Is their a civil suit possible against these characters? If not enough evidence for a criminal case, looks to be enough for a civil action…perhaps against others mentioned by WK..
Ya man. I’d like to see the mother sue the shit out of everyone who has accountability. For the love of God, some justice has to be done somewhere. But I guess the mother won’t have the money to proceed and you can only hope some lawyer somewhere, may see this as enough-is-enough and do some pro bono work.
I think that taking and posting photos of a rape in progress is as bad as any other hate crime, and should be prosecuted, even if it is hard to prove who took the photos originally.
Saw this and then read Cole Harbour High School. Then I was no longer surprised. Another moment in that dump’s long and sordid story. Protip from a former local to anyone who will listen – if you move to Halifax make damn sure your kids will never go to that school.
Please tell me why we still have the young offenders act? If these teens are doing adult crimes, shouldn’t they be punished ?
This has noting to do with the YOA. These assholes haven’t been charged with anything.
I agree with you all on this and how terribly the system and the authorities failed this poor tragic victim.
…I dont know how the mother is staying calm,…I would be hard pressed not to go on a rampage and physically assault the human garbage that did this vile act and the cowardly bullying acts after.
I hope they all suffer a very slow painful and horrible life…where they are raped thru a multitude of ways until they finally die of a horrible disease that gives them years of pain before they are kicked off this mortal coil.
Another job for Anonomous to out these mother f#ckers….
It’s the massive, widespread breakdown that’s so disheartening. These things happen, people are angry for a while then it just fades away, until the next time.
Is it not possible for some with large social networking profiles to band together and start a lasting movement? Possibly call it Our Tears of Rage? (ray says: April 9, 2013 at 8:44 pm)
When our country makes us ashamed of it because it fails to protect it’s most vulnerable, don’t we have a responsibility to step up and do something about it? At the very least to keep it current and in the public eye instead of letting it die with the next news cycle?
Dana alluded to it on the other thread. Nova Scotia has less than a million people in the whole province. The school administration and cops are almost certainly covering for the sons of somebody ‘really important’. That’s when respect for justice and public administration breaks down and people take matters into their own hands.
Technically, the YCJA provides far more protection to young offenders than adults. That means even if these kids were charged, it’s highly unlikely anybody would find out the identity of them as the YCJA places privacy rights of a Y/O on a far higher scale. The logic being that since they were under 18 criminal indiscretions shouldn’t follow them for life or make their life miserable in the community. The YCJA also provides them with a right to a lawyer and parent during any questioning, that means if a parent or lawyer tells the kid to tell the cops to pound sand, no questioning can occur and it’s difficult with a lawyer and parent telling their child to not say anything. It’s odd that Warren wouldn’t know this as his party crafted the YCJA and the Charter.
While people on here like to believe in conspiracies that somehow the evil pigs, crown prosecutors, and other evil government authority figures, are all on a plot to let rapists walk free it simply isn’t the case. What happens is that the police and crown need to deal with several competing interests that include the rights of the accused which is protected by the Charter along with the YCJA, that of society, along with those of the victim. If the Crown Prosecutor in this case says that he does not believe their are enough grounds to lay an information, it can’t be laid. If you lay an information and put these kids through court only for the Judge to throw it out and argue malicious prosecution, you can expect a lawsuit and civil action.
One questions I have for these people here, were any of you present when this rape occurred that you feel 100% comfortable calling it that?
“If these 4 characters have not been charged with anything, why cannot their names be published?”
Because nothing has been “proven” yet. If someone alleges that you raped somebody, would you want to be called a rapist before any kind of investigation is done?
“In my usual unsophisticated view, this is another strong case for some kind of alternate and perhaps illegal justice such as a good old fashion vigilantee party. Sometimes the accountability systems are so ridiculous that some intervention seems to be the only way some kind of justice can be done.”
No, this is what Canada looks like under the current legal system we have. If the police were to seize a cell phone for example and a lawyer was to argue that privacy rights were infringed based on Section 8 of the Charter, the evidence and charge gets tossed. It’s not as simple as saying “I heard A say that B committed this crime, ergo B must be guilty and punished.” Before anyone gets punished an investigation needs to be done, if the police have enough for charges after taking into account all relevant considerations no charges or laid or it’s forwards to the Crown for review. If Crown doesn’t have enough for charges, then nothing can go ahead because it would be considered a losing battle.
“I think that taking and posting photos of a rape in progress is as bad as any other hate crime, and should be prosecuted, even if it is hard to prove who took the photos originally.”
What does hate crime have to do with anything?
“wow good for your kid Dan. School systems and administrations are great at bullying the victims and coddling the bullies.
I think that school administrations should face consequences and yes, jail time if necessary for their parts in all incidents like this one.”
Odd, I’ve heard of people who have gotten Probation for strangling their daughter to death, but somehow school administrators should face jail time for allowing the police to conduct a criminal investigation.
“When our country makes us ashamed of it because it fails to protect it’s most vulnerable, don’t we have a responsibility to step up and do something about it? At the very least to keep it current and in the public eye instead of letting it die with the next news cycle?”
This is one of those comments that make somebody “feel good” without actually doing good. Actually this is just a “feel good” comment board by people who have no experience with the criminal justice system and have no knowledge of how it works. If they did they would recognize the difficulty that encounters anyone whether it be a police officer, crown prosecutor, or school administrator, when dealing with a situation like this.
A mature adult would also recognize that the media often doesn’t tell the entire truth and will sensationalize a story in order to sell newspapers.
I have also read of cases where a sexual assault victim was asked to testify by police and crown prosecutors yet despite charges being laid, still ended up killing herself in the end:
While the police aren’t liked on this board, as I’d imagine is the case on most “progressive” websites. The fact is we can’t allow the rule of law to be governed by the mob every time a story is sensationalized.
The job of the Police is to enforce the law and to lay charges when they have the grounds. It’s not to act as a vigilante group that will hand out it’s own brand of justice when people express the worst forms of sentimentalism and emotion.
It’s also odd for someone who is a strong progressive “Liberal” to say that he wants these “bastards” to get what the kids got in Ohio. The criminal justice system is extremely lax and is far more concerned with “rehabilitating” offenders than any kind of punishment. I’ve seen far worse than what has happened in this story and the offenders have been sentenced on Probation Orders and CSO’s where the only real condition was to not break the law for six months.