04.24.2013 01:14 PM

Canadian terror suspect: problem solved


One of the two men accused of an al Qaeda-backed plan to derail a passenger train in Canada questioned the authority of Canadian law to judge him, telling a court on Wednesday that the criminal code is imperfect and is not a holy book.

Chiheb Esseghaier, a Tunisian-born PhD student, faces charges that include conspiracy to murder and working with a terrorist group.

He and another suspect allegedly hoped to derail a passenger train, perhaps at a bridge near the U.S.-Canada border, with possible heavy loss of life, authorities said.

In a brief hearing where he was ordered back into custody, Esseghaier, 30, said the allegations against him are based on laws that are unreliable because they are not the work of God.

“All of these conclusions was taken out based on (the) Criminal Code,” he told a Toronto court. “The Criminal Code is not (a) holy book.”

I don’t see this as a big problem, personally. The holy Koran says, inter alia: “The punishment of those who [strive] for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides…: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.”

The Koran is a holy book, unlike the Criminal Code, as he says. So, if he is indeed found guilty, Esseghaier seems to be expressing enthusiastic and unambiguous support for the execution, crucifixion, or dismemberment options.  Exile is possible, too, but doesn’t really amount to “heavy punishment,” now, does it?

So, there you go.  Problem solved.


  1. deb s says:

    the PHD student sounds insane…he might get off on some loophole like having a psychotic break with reality:P why do people come here to learn from western universities and then become soo absolutely disgruntled and angry at a different way of life…that they feel the need to take it:P

    • smelter rat says:

      I suspect they don’t get laid enough.

      • deb s says:

        OMG if they ended up doing something religiously nasty like enjoying sex…that would be cause for a nuclear bomb being left on a train. This guy just couldnt stand seeing women on posters in hallways to send him shrieking into a life of crime! I dont know how in the world they handle seeing us females all over the nation…without coverings:(
        Its a wonder they dont get a couple of sessions of how to handle the country before they enter. I mean western nations have to respect other countries laws and customs…the whole extremist religiously disgruntled should be put in the DMM V for a mental disorder! I really think its a tragedy that someone as smart as this, a PHD student couldnt come to grips with a new way of life…he could learn complicated microbiology but couldnt navigate life with western women without having a flippin mental break!( IE the plane incident)
        oh well his undoing and kudos to the RCMP and CSIS for saving lives. Nutters in every religious group but sometimes it seems like some are way determined to indoctrinate or teach the heathens with lessons using violence!

      • Derek Pearce says:

        I think you actually may be on to something there. Perhaps some people from stricter cultures come to the west with a notion that people are actually more slutty than they really are here, then are disappointed/frustrated. It’s like a “warning: pop culture not exactly true!” message needs to be sent out by western countries.

        • Lynn says:

          You are on to something. I worked in academia for many years and graduate students (male in this case) with strict religious views are sometimes very rude to women university staff. They may be very bright in their field of study but the relations with female students and staff can be very tense since the men do not feel woman should be speaking to them unless they speak first, and that the rules being enforced (little things like having a letter in to an office or a library fine) by women are some how insulting them. This is only true of a small minority in my experience, but it does make relations a bit uncomfortable when it occurs. It is a real cultural divide.

  2. Simon W. says:

    Hooray for Sharia !

  3. Gaspard de la jour says:

    But Warren, the two were on a “holy” jihad so they can only be judged by Allah on their acts. No person, muslim or otherwise, has the divine authority to condemn a muslim on his jihadi mission, only Allah can do that. No true muslim will dare openly condemn these terrorists according to the Koran.

    The “mischief” that is spoken of in the Koran cannot be called a “holy” jihad against other muslims, and is therefore punishable now by the clerical authorities and not the hereafter by Allah. You should get your scriptures correct, Warren, because your Calgary law degree is not applicable to the Koran or Sharia law.. it’s worthless in Canada or even in Pakistan! 😉

  4. Jamie says:

    A strong endorsement for maintaining a strictly secular society. Keep religion out of the public square and in people’s private live’s where it belongs.

    Actually, you know what, after re-reading that line a number times, let me say what I really feel.

    How long are we expected to remain polite and respectful about the patently obvious – that all religion is man-made? All of us long for the divine. That’s why some go to church and others read vampire novels. But no one quotes Twilight in defence of de-railing a passenger train.

    How I long for a viable political option that is expressly irreligious.

    • Michael Reintjes says:

      Jamie says:
      April 24, 2013 at 2:43 pm
      A strong endorsement for maintaining a strictly secular society. Keep religion out of the public square and in people’s private live’s where it belongs.

      Actually, you know what, after re-reading that line a number times, let me say what I really feel.

      How long are we expected to remain polite and respectful about the patently obvious – that all religion is man-made? All of us long for the divine. That’s why some go to church and others read vampire novels. But no one quotes Twilight in defence of de-railing a passenger train.

      How I long for a viable political option that is expressly irreligious.

      Best thing I’ve read all day….

  5. Lawrence Stuart says:

    Ok, I get that you are being flippant here. But at the same time there is something that doesn’t feel right about your quotation of the Koranic sura in this context. Probably because you quote it out of its context–which does become clear in the link. But all the same I think using the quote this way is too easily assumable by the ‘fountains of blood’ stereotype.

    In fact, the sura as a whole invokes the story of Cain and Abel, God’s mysterious mercy towards Cain (anybody want to explain that one!), and the possibilities for repentance and forgiveness — the guy quoting it is actually using it as part of his argument for temperance in justice, and against the death penalty as a requirement in Islam.

    Now, as far as Mr. Esseghaier is concerned — he hasn’t got a prayer, in the court of man, or in the eyes of God.

  6. Jemery says:

    Canada is a multicultural, multiethnic and religiously diverse society as per the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Therefore, I believe that this man should be judged under Shari law. It’s his right under freedom of religion and Shari law is part of his religion. Canada prides itself on being a multicultural society and being a world leader in human rights so it’s only prudent that an accused be allowed to elect judgement by Shari and under the terms of the holy Koran.

    You want to know why there’s people that hate us and why there’s terrorism? When the white privileged of this society receive benefit at the cost of a minority, hatred is brewed.

    • MCBellecourt says:

      NOT A CHANCE!! One country, one set of laws, PERIOD!! No other country would even entertain such an idea. There needs to be a clear understanding among all immigrants that yes, we do welcome you, but Canadian law will be applied in all circumstances. Immigrants need to understand that. Our laws are part of CANADIAN CULTURE. Under no circumstances should another country’s culture take precedence over our own.

      I’m not promoting racism here, I’m promoting Sovereignty. There is a clear and distinct difference between welcoming people of all races and bending over. You propose that Canadians bend over for anyone who don’t respect our Canadian laws and culture. I say, if they don’t like our laws and culture, then perhaps they need to be screened a lot more closely and shipped back on the next plane to where they are more comfortable.

      And “Sharia Law” and “human rights” in the same sentence? Puh-leeze. The domination of women is a trademark of Sharia Law, which is IN COMPLETE CONTRADICTION OF THE CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS.

      Get a goddamned grip.

      • deb s says:

        exactly!!!…well said!!!
        also when someone tries to blow up canadians in faux retaliation brought on by extreme religious fervour and religious brainwashing their rights can be damned…how about the rights of canadians to live life safely and free of oppression. Why in the world would canadians respect such outrageous behaviour and violent actions.

        • ray says:

          there’s a turban on the corner / preaching jihad
          the natives are getting restless / starting to wave the flag
          now the cops are wading in / with their own version of him
          and I’m over here wondering why
          one side loves suicide
          the other side wouldn’t mind genocide
          folks in the middle trying to stay alive
          how do you like your life so far
          things are getting crazy / in the land of the fat and lazy
          kiss your ass goodbye


      • Ed Frink says:

        A lot of racist Republicans in the US are attacking Sharia law. Let’s not be like them, OK?

        I see nothing wrong with accepting cultural values that aren’t Western. MUlticulturalism strengthens us.

        • MCBellecourt says:

          NOT WHEN IT UNDERMINES THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. In this case, Sharia Law regards women as lesser beings than men. Under the Canadian Charter Of Rights, a woman is equal to a man and has the right to complete autonomy. Under Sharia Law, the woman is DENIED THAT BASIC RIGHT.

          In the 21st Century, in a country that prides itself in being advanced in thought and deeds, Sharia Law is in direct conflict with Canadian ideals. As a Canadian, born, raised and whose Canadian ancestry goes back thousands of years, I *will* condemn this glaring contradiction of the Charter and will continue to do so as long as I live.

          I know I am not alone on this. Our laws are important to us and are as they are because they are a direct reflection on Our Canadian Society. Our Canadian Society encompasses all those who enjoy Canadian citizenship, and every Canadian citizen has a RESPONSIBILITY TO UPHOLD THOSE VALUES.

          Mess with that at great peril to our values, that we hold dear, and that our forefathers fought and died for. Every country has its own set of values and culture. They already know that their laws must be upheld by all who dwell within their borders, and whether we agree with their laws or not, their laws are their laws and those countries have a right to enforce them.

          What gives anyone the supremacy to deny Canada the same right? The same autonomy? The same expectation of adherance to her laws?

          This country belongs to Canadians. Immigrants are welcome, but they must be held to account according to Canadian Law. Without that, you risk anarchy, and I and many, many others will NOT tolerate it.


          (And oh, that racism card is getting very, very old and tattered. Your playbook needs some new material–BADLY.)

          • Ed Frink says:

            I thought that Muslims were progressive and part of the progressive alliance? If that’s not the case, then we can only surmise that television is lying to us.

            Islam is a religion of peace. Period. The more diversity and more points of view–the better.

        • ray says:

          Daniel Pearl.

      • GFMD says:

        You will be pleased to learn this country is NOT in fact entertaining the ideal you speak of. Freedom of religion might get you out of some minor stuff (like fire code regulations on your balcony if you need to build a hut there for religious ceremonies) but for anything bigger you will still get tried criminally no matter your religious excuse.

  7. MCBellecourt says:

    Mr. Frink, that is the common theory. I would guess that Islam, on its own, may be indeed a religion of peace, but you and I both know that interpretations of all religions have been subjected to the interpretations of people (mostly male) who sought power piggybacking on religion. Big difference.

    Sharia law is part of that interpretation. It is vital to know the difference and to stand against those who would undermine our Charter–a Charter, which, by the way, protects every Canadian’s basic human rights regardless of religion. It is also imperative that the State remains completely seperate from any religion, be it Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, or devotion to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    The Charter is a statement of who we are. It is vital part of Canadian identity. And it applies equally to all Canadians. It is there for very good reason–you cannot be condemned for your religious leanings, but neither are we beholden to any law except secular Canadian law.

    That, sir, is the beauty of being Canadian. It benefits everyone, whether people realize it or not. Man or woman, we are equally Canadian. And we Canadians wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Viva la Canada!!

  8. deb s says:

    Ed Frink, Im not sure how opposing Sharia Law, makes us like republicans…as many people in canada and elsewhere would oppose any religious laws overwriting the federal ones.
    but heres the thing…religion is separate from secular law. so muslims, catholics, mormons etc can all practice their religion in our country, they can all erect places of worship, they can have tax breaks for their churches…but they cannot go about killing citizens in the name of their god.
    nutters will use religious scripture to justify acts of violence and most muslims ( as we have seen on the news) will condemn this, we dont need to be accepting of the extremists in any religion. Ever. the end!
    if you break laws and invoke your god as a supreme authority…you still go to jail ( and still can have counselling to help you with this mental break:P)

    and personally I would have like the catholic church and its minions of perversity to have answered more for their crimes against children…is that the kind of freedom you want for all religions. that they can exploit, abuse others, kill or maim, in the eyes of their mythical god?

    jeepers we live in the 21st century why in the world do we want other folks to drag us back to the dark ages. Women and Children dont fare well under religious oppression…so no thanks…keep your bible and your koran and stay the heck out of my 21st century world. Practice in the comfort of your own home. But keep it there. Im with Bill Maher…religion is stupid!

    • Ed Frink says:

      We need whatever allies we can use against the religious right.

      By embracing Muslims in our society, then we can use the diversity as a counter to the Eurocentric beliefs.

      The more diversity there is, the better.

      • deb s says:

        huh….we dont need to fight religious right by inviting more intolerant religioius behaviours:P Diversity should not welcome crazy. Welcome religious differences but make sure those that practice the religion know they are not welcome to create dissension within canada while holding their religious beliefs over the freedoms of others that live here. I think Canadian immigration would be better off if they offer more cultural education for those that want to live here so they understand the customs, rules and mores of the country they wish to call home. I dont think Canada is intolerant as a nation but i do believe some that move here are intolerant of the freedoms they see, esp with woman.

  9. Rene says:

    Professor Frink – note the choice of alias – is obviously some Reform Party plant enjoying himself at your expense and pulling your chain. Islam belongs to the religious right, is not some “progressive” doctrine one can identify with some fictional “progressive Alliance” – again the choice of terms reveals some Reform party mindset. And one hardly has to look to “racist Republicans” to the South to find Zundel and Breivik inspired lynch mob ravings going on and on ad nausea in the media on how to deal with the “muslim” threat.

    Check out the news media discussion threads on Sun media, or Yahoo Canada or other media discussion groups and you will find an overwhelming number of contributions from Conservative-minded individuals – actually more akin to a racist lynch mob – advocating a blanket immigration ban, the deportation of all muslims, the forcible conversion of muslims to “western values”, and so forth. What is missing from such discussions are contributions from Conservative party members stating what the government policies on immigration actually are, and defending such policies, the courts, the rule of law. And the blogging tories themselves are not exempt from contributing to such a fear-mongering atmosphere.

    If we are looking for parallels to the past, this Conservative inspired fear-mongering frenzy in media discussion groups reminds me of Orange lynch mob agitation during an earlier period of Canada’s history, when if they weren’t rioting and burning down news offices in some campaign against the threat of Catholicism and French Canada, or demanding Riel’s head, would turn their attention to the threat of Irish immigration, or Italian or some similar ideological or cultural menace. When one considers such anti-immigrant agitation against the background of what would today be considered terrorist actions, Fenian raids against Canada, the assassination of Thomas D’Arcy McGee by an Irish extremist, I find no justification today for blanket immigration ban on all muslims, just as earlier Canadians knew how to draw a distinction between the actions of a handful of Fenian rebels from the Irish immigrant population as a whole.

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