04.30.2013 06:18 PM

My Mom painted this

She’s an artist. Interested in seeing more of her stuff? Let me know. I’m her son/agent.



  1. Wow!…Just wow. Mrs. Kinsella is most definitely an artist. I`m loving the old Sweet Caporal cigarette sign that is incorporated in to the fence.

    Yes…..I AM that old.

  2. Brian Busby says:

    Yes, more please.

    My compliments to the artist.

  3. Brammer says:


    Is that a back lane in Corktown?

  4. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    Pierre Bourque has art on his site……you should too…..ps….your moms a far better artist, imho…..

  5. W the K - No, not Warren says:

    Reminds me of where I grew up. I’d hang that in my house.

  6. Jim Hanna says:

    Definately, I will be in the market to decorate this apartment sometime soon…

  7. dave says:

    I like urban landscapes quite a bit. All the different designs, the signs, the fence, the dwellings, all vibrate with the ideas and craft of people.
    The snow from nature is a nifty addition to the human design.
    I also like the style, the sense of malleable materials.

  8. smelter rat says:

    I’ve seen this somewhere before, but I’m stumped.

    • james Smith says:

      You may have seen the work of the late Albert Frank, who captured the streets & alleys of Toronto in the mid 20th century. Mrs K has a similar eye & style. I would add that this image of Mrs K’s is much warmer than most of Albert’s images. I think anyone lucky enough to have a painting like this should give it pride of place.

    • que sera sera says:

      Reminds me of the houses off Ness Avenue, around Air Force Way (CFB Winnipeg), in Winnipeg. Same era, same signage, just different cities!

      It’s a nice painting. Like a walk down memory lane.

      • dave says:

        memory lane?

        I go out in my back lane and look at my house…same, -even the snow(May 1st here at latitiude 57)…except for parts of the fence…(I’m trying to figure out how to get the Grandkids to fix it without having to pay them…)

  9. Pipes says:

    Very well done and with regard to the issue of content, the disjunctive perturbation of the spatial relationships brings within the realm of discourse the distinctive formal juxtapositions.

    I taught art for awhile at the associate level………………..:)

    Excellent canvas. Respect to your Ma.

  10. Ted H says:

    Very evocative, takes me to the back lanes when I was a kid, amazing sense of place. She is a very perceptive individual.

  11. Lyndon Dunkley says:

    As a stick figure level artist myself, I maybe value realism more than more sophisticated art aficionados . Your Mother’s painting is so well done, when I first looked at the image, I thought you were referring to the mural-like image on the fence. My compliments to the artist.

  12. Derek Pearce says:

    Well done. She should participate in the Riverdale art fair.

  13. MCBellecourt says:

    Wow, that’s really nice, Warren. Like others, I’d be proud to have some of your Mom’s work on my wall! I really like the colour scheme she used–even though it’s a winter setting, it’s nostalgic and rather inviting!

    Yes, I’d love to see more! And, I’d really like to see some prints available for sale! I think my mom would really like her work, too.

    This is a painting of which a framed print would make an awesome gift!

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