04.02.2013 08:13 AM

Proud father update

I have more than 5,000 Facebook “friends.” Except, as you might expect, they’re not all friends.  Some are Facebook fiends.

Because Facebook comments are unmoderated, stupid things sometimes happen on my Facebook profile. When I am over there, I will whack the stupid comments, or (sometimes) block the stupid people.  I do my best, but I can’t be there all the time.

Last night, two guys named Bruce and Robin got into a fight about something. What it was is irrelevant. Bruce called Robin a “retard,” however, and I think there were comments made about medication.

Anyhow, Son One – who is a night owl, who has won awards for helping out the less-fortunate, and who has been having a tough time with his broken hip from a hockey tournament in London – got involved in Bruce and Robin’s fight.

Again, I’m not totally clear on the context. But I read Son One’s comment, early this morning, with a mixture of sadness and pride. Pride because there he was again, defending others. And sadness because his vocabularly suggests to me that he is not a little boy anymore. When he was, just yesterday.

Anyway. Just thought I would share it with you.


  1. the next generation of civilization may have a chance ;

  2. Eddie says:

    Well said Son#1
    FB is full of that kind of stuff, I moderated a forum for a while and the P&R section descended to that type of trollish foolery frequently to the point we shut down P&R and ended banning a number of people

  3. Fabian says:


  4. Needed to be said and he said it…well done on his part.

  5. Kevin says:

    You’re doing a great job.

  6. Joe Harrington says:

    You’ve raised a fine one, Warren. Thanks for sharing.

  7. JamesHalifax says:

    I’m just impressed a young man his age could use the word “atrocious”

  8. Susan MacIsaac says:

    There is that ‘r’ word again, it is a huge insult to my intellectually disabled son.

    You are a wonderful dad Warren, Son One does you proud.

  9. The Other Jim says:

    An articulate, sensitive, and appropriate reply. What an impressive young man!

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