Musings —04.10.2013 07:59 AM
—The Flintstones wasn’t a documentary
Sorry, I just had to say that. Sometimes I just can’t help myself.
Anyway: the fact that Stockwell Day is supporting the BC Liberals isn’t even remotely news – but Canadian Press and various aggregators are treating it as such, which I find totally bizarre. It isn’t news. He’s been part of their campaign effort for months.
That may or may not be a good thing. But I don’t understand why anyone is treating it as a revelation.
Your commentary was one of those lines that was a game changer like “Zap!, you’re frozen” or “You Sir had an option!”….
In the end I came to respect Stockwell Day-he was a capable minister, and he served British Columbia well during his time in cabinet……
I would much rather have Stockwell Day involved with the BC Liberals than say a John Cummins(who was a Con MP for much of the same time as Day)
Mr. Day learned from his mistakes……Mr. Cummins has not.
Gee, that’s a surprise. Cons supporting Libs. That is the natural merger. So stop calling for Libs and Kneedippers to cooperate and/or unite. As Tommy Douglas noted, they’re both cats. Let’s vote for some mice. The BC Liberals? A Con-Lib alliance. Sure, they trash talk each other in the good times, but when the party of labour looks like a serious alternative, the Libs can’t wait to fall into bed with the Tories. Just like the BC Socreds in an earlier era. Saskatchewan Party?A Con=-Lin alliance. Sure, they trash talk each other in the good times, but when the party of labour looks like a serious alternative, the Libs can’t wait to fall into bed with the Tories. Give it another election or two, and we will see the same thing nationally. Note how Liberal bloggers, while still hoping that JT can deliver them to the promised land, are way more hostile to Mulcair and his caucus of “barmaids and activists” than to Harper and his causcus of people who belong to the proper club.