04.09.2013 07:54 AM

You say decibel, I say decimal

How could have Justin made such a mistake?  How, how, how?

Thank goodness the Prime Minister’s locution is beyond reproach!


  1. smelter rat says:

    No kidding. But if that’s the best they’ve got, get ready for a Liberal majority.

  2. patrick says:

    Can you imagine after talking for months, answering repetitive questions, crisscrossing a massive country and then making a mistake like that? Shocking. I guess he should retire now.

  3. Ted H says:

    I don’t know about you but I am tired of hearing Stephen Harper say “obviously” every time he opens his mouth.

    • Warren says:

      Does he? I’ll watch for that.

    • !o! says:

      Also ‘issue’ Harper pronounces ‘iss you’ rather than the way you would expect given his background (‘ish shoe’).

      It’s either overcoaching or him modelling himself after some British guy he looks up to for this particular word, since this phonetic pattern doesn’t manifest itself elsewhere in his speech.

      It irks me. It shouldn’t but it does.

      • Michael Bussiere says:

        Mulroney also says ‘iss you’. Guess that’s Baie Comeau-ese. Mulroney also just said some very very nice things about Justin, again, on Power Play. I wonder if Harper is going to parrot that as well.

    • smelter rat says:

      Also: “Let me be clear”. Usually just before telling another whopper.

  4. Archie Pellilago says:

    One of many verbal gaffes to come… He’s the Liberal GWB in so many ways….

    • Kevin T. says:

      You mean he’ll get two majorities? Nice. Karma is warming up her pitching arm, and the Con bobbleheads are gulping their Popeye tobacco and hoping against hope that the Dear Leader will re-arm his smearnukes. If it has worked twice, then surely it will work a third time.
      Without wearing any rose-coloured glasses and cossing any fingers, however, it becomes painfully obvious Trudeau père has a smarter son than Bush père.

      • "Arctic" Archie Pellilago says:

        Good luck, fluffbunnies. BTW, I’m no conservative. Won’t vote for the messiah though. If you want emulate W. good luck with two majorities; maybe he’ll need to be Court appointed PM too. Dude’s lucky if he can be considered as having average intelligence IMO.

        • Kevin T. says:

          Whatever fluffernutter. Btw, yeah right. He’s not the Messiah, he’s the Messiah’s son. W destroyed his country, Trudeau will save ours from your Dear Leader. I bet his average intelligence is light years beyond yours, as future history will show. Keep working on your Trudeau hate-on, your eventual bitterness will be enjoyable to see.

          • "Arctic" Archie Pellilago says:

            Lol, my Dear leader? Whatev. And hate’s a pretty strong word; usually I hate ideas not people. After Sunday I’ll go back to sitting on my hands and giggling. And when #JustinTrudeau ends like #Kony2012, with Teenage Jesus running naked through the streets of Papineau, screaming about demons, trying to peel of his skin and setting shit on fire, I won’t even gloat.

            I can’t wait.

          • Kevin T. says:

            Yeah, uh huh. Want another koolaid refill? Your predicted behaviour sounds like you are on bathsalts, so you’re projecting your mental deficit again.
            You don’t hate yet continuously use insults about people you don’t even know, and the best part, you will never get to gloat, your bobblehead master is going down.

            I can’t wait either. Keep on thinking exactly the way you are thinking, it is more help that you can imagine.

    • smelter rat says:

      Gord?? Is that you??

  5. GPAlta says:

    What about Ryan Leef and Peter Kent calling Stephen Harper the Prime Minister of Cannibal?

  6. Iris Mclean says:

    I bet over half of Harper’s caucus can’t pronounce “nuclear” even when reading it.

  7. Attack! says:

    c/o parody account Not Steve Harper ‏@pmoharper on Apr 7 :

    So JT confuses ‘decimal’ with ‘decibel’. I confuse ‘election’ with ‘erection’ http://t.co/cO4LKMv5ds

    …which links to this youtube highlight reel of Harper on the campaign trail speaking French & repeatedly mispronouncing the former as latter


  8. John Morse says:

    Legend has it that every time Harper says “the fact of the matter is”, 13 Canadians lose their jobs.

    • Ottawa Civil Servant says:

      You guys know you’re all talking in an echo chamber, right?

      The guy has nice hair, Harper has a paunch. Nobody cares.

      Warren, please, for the love of God, explain to these guys that voting for Justin Trudeau will no more save the Liberal Party than voting for Joe Clark saved the PC’s (post Alliance-PC merger.)

      The Liberals have a long, hard job ahead of them: Now fighting the Bloc and NDP in Quebec; struggling in the maritimes; nearly barren in the west and north, remnants in BC. Having a new leader is just a step. And choosing someone for their hair or their name makes it a very, VERY small step.

      • Kevin T. says:

        Seeing an opponent for just their hair or their name makes for a very, VERY small mind.

        • Ottawa civil servant says:

          Please go to JT’s website (https://justin.ca/public-statements ) and tell me you can even find a policy. Sorry, but it is motherhood and pappe. He is controversially in favour of, get ready, the Middle Class. He is in favour of….education! Daring.

          I actually read on one site that some Liberals believe they should elect their leader and then develop policy. Kinda like getting on a plane without enquiring as to the destination, isn’t it?

          • kitt says:

            WOW! What a concept!! A political party leader who has no policies until a MEMBERSHIP policy convention where MEMBERS vote on arty policy. Who woulda thunk that MEMBERS be consulted for policy. WOW!

            Wouldn’t work for Crime Minister and his kool-aid drinkers. The drinkers have lost the ability to think.

          • Ted B says:

            I used to think that way about the importance of policy, Ottawa CS. I still believe it.

            But a reality started setting in for me. Dion was all about policy. Ignatieff was all about policy. And it was good, well researched, helpful policy.

            But not only did they flame and burn, but every policy was a hook on which Harper could hang some baggage by telegraphing it too early (Green Shift). It was well developed policy that was right and good – like Dion’s green shift or Iggy’s seniors or food plans – but it came from top down and so it was harder to sell as a practical matter. And Ignatieff soared in the last election and caught up to Harper in the polls, briefly…. when he stopped talking about his own policy and started talking about Harper’s policies, like $6B for planes and jails.

            Besides, Harper has shown that policy is good for the campaign, not for governing. Is there a promise left that hasn’t been completely ignored or broken by him, other than the GST cut and gutting gun control?

            For better or worse, strategically this is smartest from a party that has been strategically really dumb for a decade.

  9. Pipes says:

    Maybe he was referring to sound. If so, 19 decibels is not much more than a whisper. Maybe he was thinking of a bed time story. Maybe he didnt confuse decibel and decimal. Maybe I have too much time on my hands to be thinking about something like this………….

  10. Warren says:

    Of course. He’s using different IPs again, too. Conservative shut-in.

  11. A. Cynic says:

    Maybe the “Minister from Papineau” said that on purpose to give the little immature Cons something to tweet about on a Monday morning.

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