05.09.2013 10:33 PM

SFH’s new tune, ‘I Love You’

Tried to post it on that Vine thing. Didn’t work. So imagine this on a perpetual loop.


  1. Pipes says:

    With regard to the issue of content, the sublime beauty of the sexual signifier seems very disturbing in light of a participation in the critical dialogue of the 90s. 🙂

  2. Al in Cranbrook says:

    Nice hook! 🙂

    One guitar player to another…

    Found a way to play and improve. (I don’t have the benefit of a band…) Need a decent set of speaker for the ‘puter. (I bought Logitech 523, 623 even better.) I’ve created a favorites list of tunes on YouTube. Set volumes just right on the amp and the speaker set, I can play along with my favorite bands, and if I’m good enough, can blend right in. Great way to learn songs start to finish. Amazingly, if the guitar is properly tuned, just about everything in the vids is too. Very therapeutic, if nothing else. Use a Fender Strat (American Standard that I traded the Mustang bass for) for the soft tunes, and a Parker PM20 Pro for the dirt through a Line Six Flextone III modeling amp. Currently working on Stairway to Heaven…minus the lead, I sure as hell am no Jimmy Page!

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