Musings —05.30.2013 06:12 AM
—The girl who has been with me for 30 years
Thirty years ago, in Ottawa, a guy walked into the place where Chris and I were sitting. He handed me a Joan of Arc medal, and walked out. I’ve been wearing the medal around my neck ever since.
Joan was murdered by the English nearly 600 years ago in Rouen – for looking like a boy. Her story is here.
Why have I worn her around my neck for so many years? Because I admire strong women, that’s why.
Here she be:
I discovered last year that some of my ancestors came from Rouen, the town where she was burned. There was turmoil there, church records were lost and I couldn’t track my family history any further up.
Ahh … what does this have to do with Duffy or Ford? I don’t understand.
It would be a good idea if people knew the history of “Joan”. The British were goaded into getting rid of “Joan”. The RC Church didn’t like the fact she presented herself as a boy either and she was kicked out of the RC Church as well.
She was also associated with Paganism, the “fairy folk”, which was a strong faith in armies back to Roman times. Another excuse.
Women who are too strong usually are executed.
Nice medal.