06.25.2013 06:06 AM

Rob Ford is a liar

…and employs liars. Surprise, surprise.

What do those boys get up to after dark, I wonder. Is someone ever going to write about that, I wonder.


  1. W the K - No, not Warren says:

    Eventually the book will be written…

  2. patrick says:

    I’m going to assume that “Dave” is the same guy following him into Tim Horton’s telling him what a wonderful job he’s doing.

  3. Michael S says:

    After dark? They’re up to something before sunset. These frat boys don’t even work banker’s hours.

  4. steve says:

    Fake protesters at Trudeau rally, fake calls to Conservative radio, maybe Canada will soon realize if its Conservative, its fake!

  5. Michael says:

    I hope there is more money in the budget for the Toronto Fire Dept. They are going to have their hands full extinguishing the mayor’s pants.

    • MCBellecourt says:

      Ha! You beat me to it! The worst part is, is that I’m not surprised.

      Pathetic, eh?

      • Bruce A says:

        Sorry about that. It’s strange that Harper surrounds himself with ‘kids’ like this. It really is pathetic because I don’t think any of them have grown up. It’s like they never left high school.

        • MCBellecourt says:

          Someone mentioned somewhere (memory’s a little dotty these days) that the media types are beginning to turn on the Cons. As long as His Harperness carries on with this kind of horseshit, the worst they look–and it appears they haven’t learned a thing from all the backlash from the other horsehit stunts they pulled. Notice that things got really haywire since Novak took over from Wright? (hee hee)

          Far as I’m concerned, it’s good for Justin and good for us Canadians. I just wish it didn’t cost taxpayers so much. According to one of the articles, these brats get paid in the neighbourhood of $1700 a month.

          Christ, I don’t see that much in a month very often, and I work my ass off.

          As for surrounding himself with snot-nosed kids, Harper can continue his illusion of being the smartest bloke in the room. The guy is narcissistic beyond belief, considering he took his own personal photog up with him in that chopper over Cowtown (at our expense, of course).

          No need to be sorry for ‘beatin’ me to it 🙂 In fact, I’m glad that people seem to be noticing more, and especially glad that we still have some decent journos to let us know what’s happening. Two thumbs up to the HuffPost for digging up the info they got!

  6. deb s says:

    Rob Ford is a moron….along with being a liar!

  7. mauser98 says:

    Dalton McGuinty… “i will not raise taxes”

  8. Iris Mclean says:

    Out here in the boonies, the Ford Bros were great entertainment during the long cold spring. We still anxiously anticipate the next episode, but they seem to be getting further apart.

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