07.29.2013 01:15 PM

Halifax: speaking at the International Association of Fire Fighters Conference

I like these guys! They gave me standing O and bought every available copy of Fight The Right!  I’m in the mood to run for office, now!



  1. Sonya says:

    Run for office? Don’t you fear accountability for your sordid political past or have you outlived that? Ah, forgiveness and applause is wonderful! 😉

  2. Sean says:

    Of all the organizations I have had the experience to deal with in campaigns, the fire fighters are by far the best, hands down. I’ve always found them to be reasonable, ask good questions about where the candidate actually stands – they actually base their support on these answers and take it very seriously. They have an agenda, but it is an agenda that makes sense for their trade and is not overtly political / fire-breathing silliness, like some other unions. They also put their money where their mouth is and have volunteers show up on an actual schedule. Any candidate I’ve helped, I always tell them to be very, very nice to the firefighters! I had hoped they would bring the fire truck out on E-Day to drive people to the polls but they shut me down on that idea!

  3. Bradley says:

    Disclose your fee and expenses. It is expected of politicians and adherents Lead the parade

  4. Swervin' Merv says:

    Not the only one missing the warmth of a war room, Warren. Politicalwire.com notes:

    Eliot Spitzer (D) has hired Obama rapid-response maven Lis Smith to assist in his bid for New York City Comptroller, the New York Daily News reports.

    “As Forbes noted in 2012, Smith isn’t just not afraid of pushing back on behalf of her candidate; she’s — yes, total reference to the 2006 Spitzer bio by Brooke Masters — known for, more often than not, spoiling for a fight.”

  5. MoS says:

    Go for it. I’m sure you could do Halifax a world of good.

  6. davidray says:

    Before you do Warren please say what you think about the 23 cops who showed up for a kid holding a knife by himself in a streetcar. In less than 60 seconds one of them shot nine rounds at the kid and THEN tased him. His name was Sammy Yatim. He is dead. There is no leadership in Toronto at the moment. None. I for one am outraged as are thousands of others.

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