07.01.2013 01:27 PM

My sons are away for the next two weeks

…And my daughter is at camp for the entire summer. When I told my youngest boy how sad that made me, this was his visual response.



  1. deb s says:

    lol…thats sweet!

  2. kre8tv says:

    You’ve raised some fine kids, my friend.

  3. bigcitylib says:

    He’s got your hair right. But seriously. He’s rendered the “I’ll pretend to miss you but really its party time” look brilliantly.

  4. Beth Higginson says:

    I felt similarly when my two daughters were away at university.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Haha – that’s lovely. I’m sure you save all those, I know I did. Boxes.

  6. Derek Pearce says:

    Being childless, I’m pretty much only around little kids when I visit one of my brothers who both have kids age 5 and under– this week I’ve been out of Toronto and spending time with family, and my little nephews are hilarious, inquisitive, sweet-natured and so cute. It’s been absolutely refreshing and cynicism-banishing, I’m smiling from ear to ear!

  7. Chubsy Ubsy says:

    Looks like he gave you a shiner before he hugged you.

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