07.29.2013 04:16 PM

Today’s shocking news developments

1. Political folks say swear words about reporters. 
2. Reporters say swear words about political folks. 
3. Opposition politicians, far from being “outraged,” will actually sit on stuff to try and score transparently-obvious political points. 
4. Speakers get appeals in legislatures, hallways, you name it.
5. Er, that’s it. 


  1. Houland Wolfe says:

    A little cryptic. Or inside baseball.

    BTW, I’m waiting for the Mayor to comment on the cop shooting of the teenager.

    • Michael says:

      The mayor has commented. Doug Ford said “Let the SIU investigate. Let’s not jump to conclusions.” 😉

  2. billg says:

    That will come as a shock to those that actually believe the Harper govt invented it.
    Politically speaking, the release of the emails is Hudaks first good political move, someone must have talked him into it.

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