08.06.2013 12:33 PM

Target loves me

So we go to the Target at Santa Monica and La Brea. While there, my daughter calls me. I always stop what I’m doing when my kids call. So the small thing of sunblock gets dropped, too: into my cargo pants side pocket.

I get back to the Riot Hyatt and see it. I am horrified. I HAVE NEVER STOLEN ANYTHING IN MY LIFE. EVER. Even when I was a kid.

So I make Lala take me back. She is amused. At Target guest services, they are in shock. “Thank you for being so honest, sir.”

And $2.17 later, my soul is repaired.



  1. robin says:

    Hmmm? Does this set a precedence establishing that: if someone takes something unwittingly, then pays for it, charges shouldn’t be laid nor should there be further reprimand or penalties? How does this experience inform our perspective on Senate expenses? 😉

  2. Arnold Murphy says:

    at least it wasn’t a 25000 watch, lol 😉

  3. patrick says:

    It’s not stealing if you “DON’T KNOW” you are stealing!

    Or is that just for wall street?

  4. Mark says:

    “Shoplifting Solicitor Snared in Stolen Sun Screen Scandal”

    Woulda made a helluva Sun headline.

  5. Eric Weiss says:

    Sounds like Catholic guilt to me. 😉

    I’ve done the same thing, partly to teach my kids a lesson in honesty, mostly due to the Catholic guilt instilled in me by my parents and the Jesuit Brothers back in school.

  6. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    I applaud your honesty, forthrightness and sense of honour…..
    btw….while in Santa Monica…..I hope you are pronouncing it “Tarzhay”…..honourary pink card if done so……:)

  7. Kaplan says:

    Dude, you are so lucky you didn’t get caught, innocent though you were. Kudos for returning it. But man, I keep going back and thinking about how awful that would’ve looked.
    Enough to keep one up nights…

  8. Ian Howard says:

    $2.17 isn’t going to come close to paying the bill.

    • robin says:

      There is a suspicious rumour circulating that someone he knows in high office actually wrote a cheque for $2.17 to cover the cost to ensure it was paid in order to stop a possible police investigation that would cost taxpayers’ money but he was supposed to remain silent; oops! 😉

  9. MCBellecourt says:

    They opened up a Target to replace the Zellers store in my town last May. After all this time, they still seem to have a lot of one thing: empty shelves and displays. It’s like shopping in the Soviet Union. Prices are rather “up there”, too.

    Gawd, I miss Zellers…if you needed something, you could always find it there.

  10. Craig McKie says:

    Good man. Well done. Pic of Santa Monica pier take me back to age three. I was afraid of the waves. I survived…. to live in the Lower Mainland in peace and tranquility. Thanks be.

  11. Reality.Bites says:

    On Monday I was unlocking my bike at Yonge and St. Clair when a a boy approached me, five-dollar bill in hand, asking me if I’d dropped it. His lucky day – I hadn’t!

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