Musings —09.23.2013 08:57 AM
—Highly-scientific poll: what does this picture of Stephen Harper and Rob Ford mean?
As an enthusiastic Kremlinologist, I devote my entire column to it in tomorrow’s Sun papers.
What’s your take? Vote now, vote often!
Musings —09.23.2013 08:57 AM
—As an enthusiastic Kremlinologist, I devote my entire column to it in tomorrow’s Sun papers.
What’s your take? Vote now, vote often!
Option E: RCMP have the only copies and will wave it in the air if Ford dares run again.
Two right wing clowns…joined at the lips.
What in God’s name is Harper, (let’s underscore this: the PRIME MINISTER) doing making all of these mid to low level announcements himself, rather than deferring to ministers!? I mean, yes, the child protection initiative is very worthy, but the PM makes the announcement? The PM announces a hole will be dug for little trains to run through it? Does the guy really think he’s that photogenic that he needs to be everywhere all the time? Sorry, but I don’t recall Chretien’s name being plastered all over every single little thing the government says and does. Tells me Team Harper is no team at all. Tells me this guy is a weakling in need of constant cuddles compared to JC.
Ego and hubris.
Harper is a Creamlinologist who thinks if he tells the same lies often enough he’ll rise to the top like a phoenix one more time. God help us if he does.
Rule 89: When stumped, it’s because fundraising. Watch for the appeal for funds in the Scarberian ridings in the next 24-48 hours.
I predict an election is near. Harper made a four year law, then ignored it. Elections are his call. I also predict it will be now or never.
Why do I think so? He is unlikely to allow Trudeau time to develop policy (which he probably already has), Harper giving good news, (trying to get his personal numbers up), re-assuring Canadians we don’t have a terrorist problem, Ministers talking at First Nations, prorogation for a month giving time for CPC MP’s to electioneer in advance of announcement, Brampton MP hosting a “tough on crime” bragfest, with police as cheerleaders.
I most fervently hope I’m wrong.
We’re obviously looking at two out of the three contestants in “Who Wants To Ruin A Country!”. Previous winner, Jim Flahtery, is not in the picture.
You forgot one additional option to your poll, Warren: All of the above.
Seriously, though, what does Harper expect to gain from this?
Or, Mr Harper doing what he does best and understanding that Mr Ford is still electable and the CPC polling says its not a bad thing to be seen with the Mayor. And if you dont believe its what Mr Harper does best then re-check the LPC seat count.
what does it mean? Just the same old right wing bs, really: one can be a street level thug or an obnoxious asshole, and as long as daddy is a like minded creep, he will bail you out no questions asked.
Steve: “Rob is doing something very important that needs to be done here – he is cleaning up the NDP mess here in Toronto. That’s great. I have to get this plug in – I’m not paid for this one but we started cleaning up the NDP… started cleaning up the left wing mess federally in this area, Rob’s doing it municipally, and now we gotta complete the … complete the hat trick and do it provincially as well.”
Rob : Is that a fly? Why are there always hoards of flies around this guy?
Is that Rob Ford rolling his eyes at what Harper’s saying? God help us!
Nah, that’s his very best Serious Solemn face. Mr. Stephen Harper is talking, so he must be Deferential and Respectful and Serious.
It’s Important Stuff, his handlers probably said…
x) with Parliament prorogued, the chattering classes preoccupied with non-events and non-entities like this, we move ever closer to total rule by decree. Good job on the active measures comrade.
Alas, the wilderness of mirrors continues. Just remember, if every keystroke, spoken word, dollar and cent, foot step and breath is being scrutinized by Marxist investigative journalists, one must assume the same level of scrutiny will be applied to Team Dauphin. This will be interesting to observe.
Too bad for them that Team Dauphin isn’t in charge of the public purse.
God is standing on Ford’s right side, and Ford is waiting for the promised manna to drop from heaven.
Harper: I hope he doesn’t ask me to go fishing.
Ford: Lights in roof.
I voted ideology.
I guess this is a tactic to win support for RF and maybe even the conservatives going forward.
I mean why else this waste of $$ from two conservatives? Alignment with the existing rt would serve more people and cost less!
It’s a lesson in politics!
a) Wear a suit that fits.
b) Pay forward attention.
c) Speak clearly, simply and concisely.
d) Use your hands.
e) Do I look like I use marijuana?
Voted for (e), but here’s what it actually means: the provincial by-election in Etobicoke-Lakeshore demonstrated that Ford still has political coattails, or at the very least is not an anchor to those close to him.
The Ontario PCs were supposed to run away with Etobicoke-Lakeshore. The margin ended up being less than 5%. They are not happy about that.
This is the 21st century — Team Blue doesn’t run away with ANY 416 riding.
I think it is just that it is kind of fun to tick off liberals. Heh heh heh.
Rob has just seen a Green Canada Goose Squadron taking aim at the federal Führer. Alison’s flies have seen it too. The fat guy looks at it as a problem, the flies as an opportunity.