10.07.2013 02:32 PM

My daughter calls this a “weirdly accurate” cartoon of she and me



  1. Merrill Smith says:

    Surely there was an English teacher in your past who taught you the difference between the personal pronoun as subject — I, she — and as object — me, her. So your daughter should call this a “‘weirdly accurate’ cartoon of her and me,” or “me and her” which sounds better. Sorry, but I’m becoming more pedantic as I grow older and there is so much to be pedantic about.

  2. Elisabeth Lindsay says:

    There comes a time in every Dad`s life when the teen-age daughter becomes very bossy. Good luck with that. 🙂

  3. Warren, fathers of daughters have to accept the fact that for the years during which their daughters are between the ages of 13 and 18, the perceived IQ scores of these fathers drop by roughly 35%. On the morning these daughters turn 19, they have a minor epiphany and say, “hey, my old man is pretty smart after all!” There must be a complex evolutionary reason for this phenomenon; perhaps it has something to do with separation anxiety. Have faith. Your perceived IQ can only go up from here…..

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