10.11.2013 07:12 AM

Open letter to my friend Jim Watson

Dear Jim:

Some of your employees are behaving badly. I add my voice to those of others calling for the end of the ban on the Bulldog. More here.




  1. Paul says:

    you have to wonder – they have a large media deparmtent – presumably tasked with sending out information to keep residents informed amongst other things – Bulldog can be crtical but the blog is a great mode of getting messages out – blacklisting it is just plain dumb and will create more bad will then doing what is right ..Gheesh

  2. Michael S says:

    Jim’s already called ’em on the carpet for it and they’re moving to an anyone-can-join RSS feed.

  3. WDM says:

    Is it impolite to tell a Torontonian that Mayor Watson is too busy breaking ground on a new LRT line? Also, he’s apparently off to China tomorrow to drum up business. It’s not quite Austin, Texas, mind you.

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