10.30.2013 11:38 AM

The Halloween Mayoralty Massacre


Story here.


  1. I presume you know somewhat of the contents to be released since you draw a conclusion. It would be nice if you are correct, but I have all but given up on anything sticking to Rob Ford. I doubt he will be beaten next year. Crazy as that seems.

    • W the K - No, not Warren says:

      And his enablers on talk radio are currently prepping ways to tell the world otherwise. As predictable as the sun rising tomorrow.

  2. david ray says:

    I’m wishing and a hoping for three things
    1-some-one with a good arm throws a shoe at Ford or Harper and that it’s a woman… hello Brigitte dePape.
    2-that they don’t miss.
    3-that it isn’t Warren, not that there’s anything wrong with that:-)

  3. Harvey Bushell says:

    If anyone or a news person were inclined to keep a close eye on the fat man, tonight would be one of the best times. Guys like him, with his personality and addiction problems don’t respond well to this kind of pressure. If he’s going to do something really stupid and act out now is the time.

  4. Greg says:

    Cuisinarts have lots of torque but I think even they would have trouble swallowing Rob Ford. Maybe a roto-tiller?

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Drama, drama everywhere – I hope Christmas is a good one for Torontonians.

  6. Mulletaur says:

    Can’t. Fucking. Wait.

  7. Patrick says:

    A little sunshine on a grey day. Hope he takes his vile brother with him in the bloodbath.

  8. Brammer says:

    Holy crap, it’s all over the cbc. Cuisinart indeed…

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