10.18.2013 07:40 AM

Warren’s going to jail party

Date and location still to be determined – but, given how determined censorship expert Mark Bourrie is to have Warren imprisoned for words – it’ll happen sooner than later.

Mark, meanwhile, has commenced civil lawsuits against Yours Screwly in Quebec and Ontario, has threatened my web site host in the United States, made a complaint against me to the Law Society, and – as noted – is trying to get me thrown in jail for publishing words he doesn’t like. He’s a bit angry.

Thus the party.  Invites going out soon.  Be there or be indicted!


  1. Pipes says:

    I’ll be there!

  2. Mark says:

    To be fair, Warren, we can probably figure out the location, if not the date.

    There can’t be more than a couple of bars in toronto you’re still allowed in.

    (here all week)

  3. partrick says:

    Are cigarettes still prison currency? Should I bring a carton of two. You do want to get in with the right, er, left? groups in prison.

  4. deb s says:

    lol…I guess it was only a matter of time…that you would be influenced by ezra…lol, all that close contact at sunnews. Good luck in the big house!

  5. Ridiculosity says:

    Well, orange is the new black after all. Being a handsome man, you’ll be able to carry it off with great élan.

    Will there be appetizers at the party? Chipped beef on crackers? Cubes of canned Spam on miniature shivs? Baloney phyllo bites? And what about booze? Will you be serving Pruno – everyone’s favourite slammer hooch – made from apples, oranges, fruit cocktail, ketchup, sugar, milk and bread fermented in a sock? (A nice Burgundy is so yesterday.)

    • Pipes says:

      I am bringing a loaf of bread or a cake with a file inserted. I think Mike Duffy has requested Warren as a cell mate as well.

    • Pipes says:

      I am bringing a loaf of Italian Bread with a file in it and Mike Duffy is baking a cake with a saw in it, and has already requested Warren as a cell mate, but he wants top bunk.

  6. Mulletaur says:

    If you can guarantee your friend the psych case turns up, I’ll be there will bells on. Wouldn’t want to miss the show.

  7. Eric Weiss says:

    Just remember to take out the first guy that looks at you funny. Make sure they know you can’t be messed with. Prison is a bitch for new fish.

    And hoard ramen…


  8. Harvey Bushell says:

    You should go and rent all the episodes/seasons of the (terrific) prison drama “OZ” to prepare yourself for the rest of your life. And you may want to start lifting weights now just to get a head start on things. And maybe give Lord Black the Felon a call for some first hand advice on dealing with shivs and how to butthole smuggle. Also, you’ll need an appropriate nickname… may I suggest “Lefty”.

  9. Student501 says:

    Orange and Black colours….

    Aha, I see …a Canadian version of Netflix’s “Orange is the new black”.

    Subtle Warren, very subtle….

  10. Danny says:

    Maybe they will send you to one of the new prisons the conservatives are building. You know, the ones everyone is always talking about.

  11. e.a.f. says:

    sorry I can’t make the party, I’m in B.C. Now if you could get transfered to one of the B.C. prisons, we might be able to do something for you. We do have a better brand of B.C. bud.

    Those new prisons, we don’t have any here yet, so you don’t hve to worry about bad food. Like the food is bad, but not private prison bad, yet. William Head on Vancouver Island does have a nice view of the water and you can swim out of it.

    Now federal prisons you get to wear your own cloths, so bring a ward robe, b.c. is fashionable, although you would have to be sentenced for more than 2 yrs. But if you\’re o.k. with orange, you\ll be fine.

    Actually, if you could manage a grow op, in B.C. you most likely wont go to jail, so you’ll be o.k.,

    You are in good company though. There is a blogger in Alabama who is being sued for the same thing as you are. He even has police at his door. He is the 37th best indep. legal blogger in the U.S.A., Legal Schnauzer.

    There does seem to be a pattern though.

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