11.30.2013 08:49 AM

Art Bergmann: I’m going to f**kin’ Airdrie

Great story by Mike Bell about Art Bergmann in the Calgary Herald, here.

I didn’t know Bergmann. He was a big wheel from Vancouver’s punk scene, all dark clothes and dark habits. Unlike a lot of the Vancouver bands, we in the Hot Nasties and the Sturgeons and the other suburban Calgary punk bands were basically pretty straight edge. We didn’t think heroin was cool.

Bergmann had a fierce talent, and he destroyed it with junk. It was wonderful, notwithstanding that, to read about my old friend James Muretich and some other stuff from so long ago.

A good read. Well-written. Even if it wasn’t a big part of your life, as it was with ours, it’ll take you back to a time that is now just written about in books.


  1. Eric Weiss says:

    I saw him back in the day at the Commodore. Once when he headlined and once when he opened for DOA. Thanks for that. Brought back memories.

  2. debs says:

    Yeah I saw him back in the day at the commodore too…he was good but you could see then that the addiction was killing him and any talent he had. Glad he survived.

  3. walt says:

    Back in it’s day, Bound For Vegas was a constant in my musical life. I loved that song and it’s swaggering bad-ass vibe.

  4. Eric Weiss says:

    I heard he played the Pawn Shop in edmonton on Friday. I live in Red Deer. If I was home I would have gone to both shows. Stupid grown up responsibilities.

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