Delicious watching Earl Provost slowly losing his mind (so to speak) right behind Ford at the presser. Must have been contemplating that this is the end of his pitiful career with no chance of return. A lot of Liberals are quietly pumping their fists…
You have said on twitter the province must intervene now. I don’t disagree. But does this not play into the Fords’ hands? They’re just crazy enough to call it all a conspiracy by liberals. What a day!
A big question that doesn’t seem to be getting asked nearly enough – why would anyone want to use extortion to keep the video hidden? I can only think of one person.
New lawyers, new advisors… The smartest backroom thugs can solve any problem. Many people tend to think this is clever and sophisticated. In reality this is cynical beyond sense. There comes a point when you can’t “out-strategize” the truth, you can’t build a credible legal defence against reality and your high paid advisors eventually have to bring the f#%king truth into the discussion. Rob Ford hit this point today. Dean Del Mastro will be tippy toeing towards that point on Thursday and I suspect Stephen Harper will be swimming in it by the end of the month.
Mayor Ford should step down because of his alcohol and drug problems. The three Conservative Senators should also step down for their expense account irregularities.
Now we have Justin Trudeau admitting he smoked marijuana while he was a MP. What is the appropriate response to this indiscretion? Crickets?
Did Trudeau lie about it, hang with criminals?, have his criminal friends try to extord people to get video back plus a host of other crap?….crickets indeed
Matt, I think the stiffer penalties for possession were included in a massive omnibus bill that was packed with numerous other measures; it’s an odious way to bring legislation forward in the House of Commons because MPs are expected to vote Yay or Nay on the whole package even if they dislike some elements. If Trudeau had voted against the package the Conservatives would label him soft on crime and cuddling hardened criminals since most of the mandatory minimum sentences related to repeat and violent offenders. Ironically, Harper continues to introduce omnibus bills that include legislative changes from soup to nuts when the previous practice was to introduce individual bills to deal with matters of similar nature. This allowed MPs in Standing Committees to examine the legislation, amend it and improve it before it became law. It also allowed witnesses to speak to the Standing Committees if the legislation would affect them. I suspect Trudeau had to make political calculation, unfortunately. Nevertheless, when he is elected Prime Minister in 2015, he will move quickly to de-criminalize marijuana possession and then begin the more difficult process to legalize marijuana; now, this will be an effective Economic Action Plan since BC’s economy will benefit and the government will collect more taxes rather than spend taxes on futile enforcement. I understand and appreciate your having an issue with his vote but, unfortunately, that’s politics in Harper’s Ottawa.
It’s ironic that Harper thought it was important enough to mention unbundling of mandatory carriage cable packages; yet, he still introduces omnibus bills in the House of Commons. He’s unbundling the wrong thing. The former will result in many specialty channels closing their doors when they help foster and celebrate diversity (it may be pay back for the CRTC not letting Sun News Network join “the party”. The latter will result in a healthier democracy as different perspectives and expertise can be engaged in the legislative process more easily. An omnibus bill has over 400 pages including clauses for consequential amendments. It is very difficult to analyse and understand. Yet, MPs must vote on it.
I guess whatever is on the second video he’ll be able to claim ignorance of on the basis that it happened while he was in a “drunken stupor”. Unbelievable!
One more point. His dipshit brother. Robs Ford has:
Been drunk at public events
Smoked Crack
Gives the finger to the public when he talks on his phone while driving
Hangs out with criminals
Misuses public resources (oaving job/bus)
Cuts work to pursue his football hobby
Has Ezra Levant as a fan (could the video of Rob Ford smoking crack be faked like a hollywood blockbuster??!!!)
Lies about the video
and on and on and on
But for all that Rob Ford shouldn’t step down
However Doug feels the chief of police should step down because he got to personal in his opinions.
Wow Doug, an opinion is worst that all that list? What a fucking idiot
Toronto stop embarrasing yourself and get rid of him. Plus, I’m a little miffed you have stolen our redneck mojo lol.
lol…exactly. Great list of reasonable pts. I could NOT believe watching Doug Ford go on about Blair being bias and overly political. But cracksmoking whilst drunk…the public should give that a pass:P
Toronto needs the McKenzie brothers out of council and perhaps even run out of town!
Too bad Council doesnt pass some kind of non confidence motion and refuse to attend meetings that the Mayor may be in attendance and/or turn their backs on him at Council by turning their chairs around. Then see if he can run the City himself. Maybe hang the City Flag upside down showing a City in distress.
Alas, three years ago the people spoke, and the people are never wrong. Right? 🙂
what was Ford disease?
we were never quite sure.
what were the symptoms?
total exhaustion.
how did you cure it.
we didn’t, it cured itself and went away. the stench however, not so much.
At this point, any members of council who continue to stick with him should be considered as insane as he is. It’s time to stop sucking up to whichever low-lifes continue to comprise “Ford Nation”.
If we had a party system in Toronto municipal politics, Ford would have been jettisoned long ago, but because he and his brother Thug invented this “Ford Nation” pseudo-party concept which they by definition can’t be kicked out of, and imbued it with magical powers of vote-getting, he’s stayed on well past the expiration date of any normal politician. At this point, though, you’d have to suffer from anosmia not to smell a rat.
What bothered me the most was the line where he said he wasn’t lying before because: “You didn’t ask the correct questions.” Like truth is some kind of game.
Little wonder why sensible people detest politics these days.
The Ford Family is in way over their heads. One recalls the last scenes of the film Goodfellas:
Henry (V.O)
All day I thought the guys in the helicopter
were just local cops busting my balls over
Lufthansa, but they turn out to be Narks.
They had been on me a month.
Phone taps. Surveillance.
Mind, based on true crime, real life events. Makes one think of No Country For Old Men – which prophetically illustrated the drug wars that are occurring in places like Juarez Mexico – the two wizened sheriffs lamenting that it’s all “money and drugs” as they try to staunch an epidemic of homicides. The world tuned to watch the last episodes of Breaking Bad – Walt eventually dead after battling the Aryan-Nations types he had previously utilized as his assassins. Indeed, this mirrors real life too; neo-Nazi gangs are targeting judges and prison officials and have assassinated some.
This is existential. The police understand that once a region, a power, becomes a narco-power, that most vicious cycle of addictive drugs funding more guns for more violence to further addict and suppress the population, takes deep root and becomes a difficult dynamic to staunch – peace, order, and good government evaporate. The police will engage until the job finished.
The Ford’s have only their supreme recalcitrance to blame. Not the police. Not the people. If they won’t surrender, then they must assume destruction from above will be visited on their heads.
exactly …dont besmirch fine canadian icons like the trailer park boys, they would have worked together to find a solution even if Lahey was trying to sabotage their efforts. and Julian…never was wasted…no matter how many rum and cokes he had…he kept an even keel.
Brian Doyle (I think that’s his name) from CFRB 1010 has sources in Ford’s office. They tell him:
1) He basically went “rogue” by going out to talk to reporters and admit he smoked it. Nobody in his office knew he was going to do it.
2) When he came back in, they had a resignation speech written. He refused to take it. A lengthy shouting session took place where he told staff to re-write the speech removing all talk of resignation.
Were he flunked the admission test was his over use of “never, ever, EVER,…again.” and his blathering about “save the taxpayers money.”. He doesn’t mean it. He’s doing it because he thinks its what he inagines people want him to say.
I’ve studied the stages of change model of addictions counseling and recovery. Ford was in the classic pre-contemplative stage. Total refusal to acknowledge there’s a problem, angry verbal assaults when confronted by those close to him, etc. I hope he’s now moved to the contemplative stage where one truthfully acknowledges there is a problem. Next will be a seeking phase where one will start to look at solutions…or relapse. Ford will always be hooked. If he really says he will never ever do it again, he will go into rehab with proper medical supervision. You don’t just quit. Cellular level chemical dependency doesn’t work that way. The guy needs help. I actually feel for him. As for Doug Ford … Now he’s a big part of the problem in my opinion. He’s not helpful and I think he’s working an angle of some sort.
One good thing about seeing the bar lowered like this, it really brings out the tolerance in people, especially on the populist right. Who knew that connected to all those jerking knees were a bunch of bleeding hearts. Normally you have to go to some anarchist black flag site to see people so tolerant and understanding of substance abuse.
Now what?
So what does the mayor recommend for admitted crack smokers?
Rehab or jail time?
coaching high school football
Apparently, he’s looking for a full-time driver. It’s always nice to have a driver with whom you share some common interests, so….
Delicious watching Earl Provost slowly losing his mind (so to speak) right behind Ford at the presser. Must have been contemplating that this is the end of his pitiful career with no chance of return. A lot of Liberals are quietly pumping their fists…
The Earl of Earl goes down behind a Mayorial spray of bitterness and spit.
You have said on twitter the province must intervene now. I don’t disagree. But does this not play into the Fords’ hands? They’re just crazy enough to call it all a conspiracy by liberals. What a day!
The UNELECTED premier should tread lightly.
Like him, hate him, Ford won an election and has a mandate.
Kathleen Wynne, who very enthusiastically, and with taxpayer money supported admitted coke head George Smitherman for Mayor in 2010 has not.
“Coke head”, huh?
“Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine… in one of my drunken stupors.”
Bonus points: “Oh yeah, I won’t deny that. I’ve smoked a lot of [marijuana]”.
Funny how C/conservative’s drug madness doesn’t apply to their own druggies.
How is this person employed, forget about Mayor of TeaHo? Oh, right, he and big bro inherited a money making company from Daddy.
Jesus. Imagine how fat he’d be if he didn’t smoke crack.
I think Rob Ford is a total buffoon, but it appears that in addition to a lengthy stink in rehab he could greatly benefit from two things right now:
1. A new lawyer
2. New political advisors
Ford doesn’t have lawyers or advisors.
He has enablers.
A big question that doesn’t seem to be getting asked nearly enough – why would anyone want to use extortion to keep the video hidden? I can only think of one person.
New lawyers, new advisors… The smartest backroom thugs can solve any problem. Many people tend to think this is clever and sophisticated. In reality this is cynical beyond sense. There comes a point when you can’t “out-strategize” the truth, you can’t build a credible legal defence against reality and your high paid advisors eventually have to bring the f#%king truth into the discussion. Rob Ford hit this point today. Dean Del Mastro will be tippy toeing towards that point on Thursday and I suspect Stephen Harper will be swimming in it by the end of the month.
He was getting the proper advice 5 months ago when he was told to come clean, take a medical leave for treatement, and come back.
He chose to ignore that advice. He then fired those who were giving him that advice and still others left on their own.
scorched earth policy in effect, but on the other hand has that not been the Twinfords SOP?
Are the righwing dingbats done defending him now?
Mayor Ford should step down because of his alcohol and drug problems. The three Conservative Senators should also step down for their expense account irregularities.
Now we have Justin Trudeau admitting he smoked marijuana while he was a MP. What is the appropriate response to this indiscretion? Crickets?
Did Trudeau lie about it, hang with criminals?, have his criminal friends try to extord people to get video back plus a host of other crap?….crickets indeed
No, but he did stand in the HOC to vote in favour of stiffer penalties for possession knowing he smoked it.
That was my only issue with his pot admission.
Matt, I think the stiffer penalties for possession were included in a massive omnibus bill that was packed with numerous other measures; it’s an odious way to bring legislation forward in the House of Commons because MPs are expected to vote Yay or Nay on the whole package even if they dislike some elements. If Trudeau had voted against the package the Conservatives would label him soft on crime and cuddling hardened criminals since most of the mandatory minimum sentences related to repeat and violent offenders. Ironically, Harper continues to introduce omnibus bills that include legislative changes from soup to nuts when the previous practice was to introduce individual bills to deal with matters of similar nature. This allowed MPs in Standing Committees to examine the legislation, amend it and improve it before it became law. It also allowed witnesses to speak to the Standing Committees if the legislation would affect them. I suspect Trudeau had to make political calculation, unfortunately. Nevertheless, when he is elected Prime Minister in 2015, he will move quickly to de-criminalize marijuana possession and then begin the more difficult process to legalize marijuana; now, this will be an effective Economic Action Plan since BC’s economy will benefit and the government will collect more taxes rather than spend taxes on futile enforcement. I understand and appreciate your having an issue with his vote but, unfortunately, that’s politics in Harper’s Ottawa.
It’s ironic that Harper thought it was important enough to mention unbundling of mandatory carriage cable packages; yet, he still introduces omnibus bills in the House of Commons. He’s unbundling the wrong thing. The former will result in many specialty channels closing their doors when they help foster and celebrate diversity (it may be pay back for the CRTC not letting Sun News Network join “the party”. The latter will result in a healthier democracy as different perspectives and expertise can be engaged in the legislative process more easily. An omnibus bill has over 400 pages including clauses for consequential amendments. It is very difficult to analyse and understand. Yet, MPs must vote on it.
I guess whatever is on the second video he’ll be able to claim ignorance of on the basis that it happened while he was in a “drunken stupor”. Unbelievable!
One more point. His dipshit brother. Robs Ford has:
Been drunk at public events
Smoked Crack
Gives the finger to the public when he talks on his phone while driving
Hangs out with criminals
Misuses public resources (oaving job/bus)
Cuts work to pursue his football hobby
Has Ezra Levant as a fan (could the video of Rob Ford smoking crack be faked like a hollywood blockbuster??!!!)
Lies about the video
and on and on and on
But for all that Rob Ford shouldn’t step down
However Doug feels the chief of police should step down because he got to personal in his opinions.
Wow Doug, an opinion is worst that all that list? What a fucking idiot
Toronto stop embarrasing yourself and get rid of him. Plus, I’m a little miffed you have stolen our redneck mojo lol.
lol…exactly. Great list of reasonable pts. I could NOT believe watching Doug Ford go on about Blair being bias and overly political. But cracksmoking whilst drunk…the public should give that a pass:P
Toronto needs the McKenzie brothers out of council and perhaps even run out of town!
Too bad Council doesnt pass some kind of non confidence motion and refuse to attend meetings that the Mayor may be in attendance and/or turn their backs on him at Council by turning their chairs around. Then see if he can run the City himself. Maybe hang the City Flag upside down showing a City in distress.
Alas, three years ago the people spoke, and the people are never wrong. Right? 🙂
overheard at the Toronto airport circa 2014
what was Ford disease?
we were never quite sure.
what were the symptoms?
total exhaustion.
how did you cure it.
we didn’t, it cured itself and went away. the stench however, not so much.
He must have found out that the redacted portions of the Lisi document are about to be released.
You wouldn’t believe the dream I just had. David Miller is still mayor, right? #Bobby_Ewing
At this point, any members of council who continue to stick with him should be considered as insane as he is. It’s time to stop sucking up to whichever low-lifes continue to comprise “Ford Nation”.
If we had a party system in Toronto municipal politics, Ford would have been jettisoned long ago, but because he and his brother Thug invented this “Ford Nation” pseudo-party concept which they by definition can’t be kicked out of, and imbued it with magical powers of vote-getting, he’s stayed on well past the expiration date of any normal politician. At this point, though, you’d have to suffer from anosmia not to smell a rat.
What bothered me the most was the line where he said he wasn’t lying before because: “You didn’t ask the correct questions.” Like truth is some kind of game.
Little wonder why sensible people detest politics these days.
AKA the Bill Clinton defence.
Exactly! Now, it’s great to see how the left-wing (who seemed to ignore Clinton’s parsing of words) will now leap on Ford for this situation.
Ford and Clinton are both liars. Period. You can argue about the nature of their misdeeds, but they are both equal liars.
And the Brian Mulroney defence.
Just glad I’m from Ottawa …errr maybe not
PSYOP, Make It Loud:
The Ford Family is in way over their heads. One recalls the last scenes of the film Goodfellas:
Henry (V.O)
All day I thought the guys in the helicopter
were just local cops busting my balls over
Lufthansa, but they turn out to be Narks.
They had been on me a month.
Phone taps. Surveillance.
Mind, based on true crime, real life events. Makes one think of No Country For Old Men – which prophetically illustrated the drug wars that are occurring in places like Juarez Mexico – the two wizened sheriffs lamenting that it’s all “money and drugs” as they try to staunch an epidemic of homicides. The world tuned to watch the last episodes of Breaking Bad – Walt eventually dead after battling the Aryan-Nations types he had previously utilized as his assassins. Indeed, this mirrors real life too; neo-Nazi gangs are targeting judges and prison officials and have assassinated some.
This is existential. The police understand that once a region, a power, becomes a narco-power, that most vicious cycle of addictive drugs funding more guns for more violence to further addict and suppress the population, takes deep root and becomes a difficult dynamic to staunch – peace, order, and good government evaporate. The police will engage until the job finished.
The Ford’s have only their supreme recalcitrance to blame. Not the police. Not the people. If they won’t surrender, then they must assume destruction from above will be visited on their heads.
It’s like the Trailer Park Boys took over Toronto City Hall.
Easy does it Peggy… Ricky, Julian and Bubbles may have sold a lot of weed, but they never got into crack.
exactly …dont besmirch fine canadian icons like the trailer park boys, they would have worked together to find a solution even if Lahey was trying to sabotage their efforts. and Julian…never was wasted…no matter how many rum and cokes he had…he kept an even keel.
Yes, I guess the comparison is a bit hard on my downeast boys.
ROFL! Wait a minute, what are the Fords gonna pull for their ‘Big Dirty?’
Ford Nation
Brian Doyle (I think that’s his name) from CFRB 1010 has sources in Ford’s office. They tell him:
1) He basically went “rogue” by going out to talk to reporters and admit he smoked it. Nobody in his office knew he was going to do it.
2) When he came back in, they had a resignation speech written. He refused to take it. A lengthy shouting session took place where he told staff to re-write the speech removing all talk of resignation.
Were he flunked the admission test was his over use of “never, ever, EVER,…again.” and his blathering about “save the taxpayers money.”. He doesn’t mean it. He’s doing it because he thinks its what he inagines people want him to say.
I’ve studied the stages of change model of addictions counseling and recovery. Ford was in the classic pre-contemplative stage. Total refusal to acknowledge there’s a problem, angry verbal assaults when confronted by those close to him, etc. I hope he’s now moved to the contemplative stage where one truthfully acknowledges there is a problem. Next will be a seeking phase where one will start to look at solutions…or relapse. Ford will always be hooked. If he really says he will never ever do it again, he will go into rehab with proper medical supervision. You don’t just quit. Cellular level chemical dependency doesn’t work that way. The guy needs help. I actually feel for him. As for Doug Ford … Now he’s a big part of the problem in my opinion. He’s not helpful and I think he’s working an angle of some sort.
I think these two boys are tied deep into organized crime…so even if ford and bro wanted to step down…they cant. As the gravy train would stop.
One good thing about seeing the bar lowered like this, it really brings out the tolerance in people, especially on the populist right. Who knew that connected to all those jerking knees were a bunch of bleeding hearts. Normally you have to go to some anarchist black flag site to see people so tolerant and understanding of substance abuse.