11.13.2013 01:04 PM

Toronto needs a mayor: live from the anti-Ford rally

I loved this sign – it’s so polite and technical, and therefore uniquely Canadian. The rally was like that, too: lots of average folks – including admitted former Ford Nation residents – simply saying they want this SOB out. Hundreds of people, from all walks of life.  Right, Left, you name it.  Despite the freezing wind, it felt great to be there.

Meanwhile, inside council chambers, a dramatic scene was unfolding: Denzil Minan-Wong asked Rob Ford, to his face, if he has purchased illegal drugs in the past two years.

Huge pause.

Then Rob Ford, the conservative law-and-order guy, says “yes.”


  1. smelter rat says:

    Then Ford tried to attack the guy.

  2. Matt says:

    If Minnen-Wong was as smart as he thinks he is, wouldn’t he have followed that up with, “WHICH illegal drugs have you purchased, Mr. Mayor?”

    Semms like the next logical question, no? All ford has to say is he bought weed in the last 2 years, which is still an illegal drug. One whuch he has already admitted to smoking “lots of”

    And during his pause, did I hear someone yell out “BE CAREFUL!”

    Is Fords Lawyer in the council chamber?

  3. Dan O says:

    I recall Benedict Arnold having a pledge for a recall mechanism. Wonder if any of the next year’s candidates are smart enought to include it in their platform.

    • Matt says:

      To possibly be used against them? Not likely.

      That type of thing would normally get passed by someone who knew the wouldn’t be running again.

      Like Miller doing it after announcing he wasn’t going to seek re-election.

      • Matt says:

        Or Chretien changing the political party donation rules before he left to make life more difficult for Martin.

      • Reality.Bites says:

        Our system just wasn’t designed to deal with a politician who lacks the integrity and civic-mindedness of Richard Nixon.

        I don’t see that as a huge flaw. I remain ashamed not of our system, but of those who thought putting a homophobic thug in power was an acceptable use of their votes, their time and their campaign money.

        He was never, at any time in his life, fit to hold any elected office. Never.

  4. patrick says:

    Wow, politics is a blood bath and you do reap what you sow. I suspect Ford would have avoided such blatant acts of humiliation if his, and his brother’s legacy hadn’t been one of vulgar bullying and arrogance while they thought themselves untouchable. And as much as I loathe what the Ford’s are about and what they have done to our social politic I don’t think we accomplish much if we behave as badly as the Ford’s would if the positions were reversed.

  5. Ken from the Annex says:

    I wish to make it perfectly clear that I was not living in Toronto when this man was elected.

    Thank you.

  6. Layla says:

    Wasn’t that from a song by The Cult?

  7. Christian says:

    Council has now overwhelmingly asked Mayor Ford to go away. Except Stinz, who wants to be mayor, wasn’t there. Check out Robyn Doolittle’s tweets.


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