12.13.2013 02:16 PM

A decade-plus investigation

My, my.  You wouldn’t suppose the timing has anything to do with the ongoing Senate scandal, would you? No, of course not.

The decade-plus-long delay makes this a joke.  If a trial ever takes place, I’ll be amazed.



  1. liam says:

    The Cons are the experts of good timing … and deflection. And blaming someone else. And denying.

  2. Attack! says:

    post-press conference twitter chatter is the investigation itself was just between 2006-10, then it was in hands of crown prosecutors to decide what to do next & when.

    • Warren says:

      It’ll get Askov’d, if that decision means anything anymore.

      • Nasty Bob says:

        Actually the s. 11(b) Askov clock doesn’t start ticking until an information is sworn ( charges are laid -i.e. now). Courts are hesitant to play a “supervisory” role in the investigative process. However, pre-charge delay cases can be challenged under s 11(d) ( right to a fair trial ). For example, a defendant may no longer have access to business, financial or legal record as they are only required to be retained for 10 years or less. Also s. 7 may come in to play if an abuse of process can be shown ( umm, like,say, political use of the criminal law )

      • dillon says:

        Askov doesn’t have anything to do with this case. It aint over ’till the canary sings. And I hear singing.

  3. Lance says:

    What section(s) of the Charter are you referring to?

    “You wouldn’t suppose the timing has anything to do with the ongoing Senate scandal, would you?”


    This should put a jumping bean under some Tory arses. There will be some insufferable crowing, just in time for Christmas.

    • Lance says:

      Then again by contrast, I suppose the same could be said for the convenient timing of these charges coming on the very day after Parliament is shut down for the Christmas break.

  4. Matt says:

    The Liberal cynic would say the RCMP filed to take attention away from the Conservatives and the Senate issues.

    The Conservative cynic might say the RCMP are trying to shield the Liberals by announcing the charges after the HOC has adjourned for Christmas break.

    The NDP cynic would say both are true.

    • Elisabeth Lindsay says:

      I am definetly not an NDPer, but I am calculating this to be an advantage to Mulcair for sure.

      “You see? We are the only alternative to corruptness.”

  5. Sam Woodman says:


    They bugged, they
    followed people, false press leaks,
    fake letters, they canceled Democratic
    campaign rallies, they investigated
    Democratic private lives, they planted
    spies, stole documents, on and on–
    don’t tell me you think this was all
    the work of little Don Segretti.

    All The President’s Men

    This is an unfortunate turn of events – if new information has been uncovered, any notion of time limitations is void (a competent defense will be hell-bent on proving it is old information, if not false information.)

    I fear that young Trudeau and the Liberal’s addiction to poking sore spots – “basic dictatorship”, carbon-taxes, death-taxes, quash the 1%, Quebecois supremacists vs. the “hillbillies”, etc. – has unnecessarily awakened some wild, atavistic self-preservation instinct in the conservative milieu, especially in the West – the inner core is in a victory or death mood.

    One has to assume a dedicated team of Con investigators is watching, listening, going over everything with a fine tooth comb for the seventh time. It would be wise to secure your lines of communication, proactively neutralize any closet skeletons, impose tighter message and behavior discipline. Conversely, the best intelligence, is aggressive counterintelligence. What does Team Trudeau know about them? This deficit is the one line you absolutely must shore up.

  6. JH says:

    I don’t mind making partisan points, when they make sense, but I hardly think anyone in the country thinks the RCMP is any way trying to help out Harper and the Cons. Chretien and Co. are going to have to live with this all over again when and if a trial takes place.
    No doubt he’ll be calling you into service again WK.

    • Kevin T. says:

      Yeah, it is not as if the RCMP have ever “interfered” with elections or anything, well, except maybe for that one time, just sayin’.

      This is just a WTF hail Mary channel changer, and will not have a lasting effect. It is not as if the Cons won’t have their own scandals to deal with that are much more relevant and timely.

      This is just a Gomery afterqueef.

  7. Ridiculosity says:

    I’m going to a holiday get-together this evening with a bunch of Liberal pals. You know what we’ll be toasting (quite frequently, I’m guessing)?

    Saying goodbye (and good riddance) to Harper’s Government in 2015.

    • doris says:

      How you going to do that with vote splitting you would be better off finding a dipper to persuade to help[ you out in an electoral coalition other wise harper is here to stay

  8. Brad H says:

    If this guy is guilty he should have been prosecuted ten years ago. How can he defend himself after ten years. How incompent are the police to take this long and charge him now?

  9. Tim says:

    Good old RCMP and good old white collar crime. If Duffy et al. ever get charged, look for it some time in 2020.
    Lord Black of Crossharbour would still be pronouncing his edicts instead of reprocessing Rob Ford’s flatulence had it been our system that was chasing
    after him.

  10. Niall says:

    Stay on Topic people:

    “Years after his role in the sponsorship scandal was uncovered by the Gomery Commission, a central figure and former friend of Jean Chrétien has been charged with fraud.
    The RCMP announced Friday that former federal Liberal organizer Jacques Corriveau, now 80, has been summoned to appear in court Jan. 10, 2014.
    He will face charges of FRAUD against the government, FORGERY and LAUNDERING the proceeds of crime”

    No small potatoes here Libbies (and just in time for Christ’s B-Day 😉

    Niall from Winnipeg

  11. Mayzie says:

    I’m Observant. And I want Warren to post my home address.

  12. s says:

    Another perfectly timed announcement.

  13. Ottawa Civil Servant says:

    1. Announcements happen every day. No master plan required.
    2. That said, Every government looks around and tries to stage-manage announcements to fit elections or distractions. So what? That is not political interference, it is ministerial discretion and politicos like Kinsella poll ministers, asking them what they have on-hand to change the channel.
    3. If Trudeau so much as whispers about this being unfair, he will be tarred with the same brush, so he better keep his proudly unscripted poutty mouth shut and respond with “Let the courts handle it.”

    Merry Christmas to All.

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