12.29.2013 07:33 PM

Canada’s gift to the world: Rob Ford makes CNN top ten scandals list

What an asshole.



  1. mauser98 says:

    is Childrens Aid aware of this ???……phrrrrrttttttttttttttt.

  2. Alex says:

    We also can’t forget that Rob Ford swept the 2013 Golden Dukes awards at Talkingpointsmemo that recognizes public corruption, outlandish behavior and The Crazy. (see http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/people-of-toronto).

  3. dave says:

    We had a premier here in BC who had some trouble with impairment and such in Hawaii, but he did ok…he now represents all the Canadas in London as our high commish…

    …this impairment stuff and drug use and so on is indictable only if one is poor or Aboriginal…

  4. steve says:

    What if Ford was just the perfect proxy? His royal highness appeared with him and had put a gag order on Ford. I do not know Rob Ford, he might be like that brilliant geek from your basement that loves all kinds of drugs. No evidence of that, well he might be a bully rich and fat jealous of the kids poor and thin. What we know is that he is a barely literate crackhead that the brown twenty percent love. What means brown? Yep its the new Nazi, now I can not say Steve Harper was part of this crowd, will leave it to the internet to discuss and prove or disprove that fact. But what does not make the news is behind the headlines the neo cons advance and every day they produce a threat that makes us go with them in a situation we should otherwise refuse.

  5. Iris Mclean says:

    Asshole is the kindest word possible to describe this wasted piece of skin.

  6. John Kingma says:

    Rob Ford should take up at least 5 places on CNN’s top 10 list.

  7. e.a.f. says:

    yes, but he is Toronto’s asshole. Now if the voters of Toronto would just look a little south and to the east, they would see New York. They got rid of the asshole there. They got a new Mayor, who from all signs appears to care about the other 99%.
    When enough people are hurting, just sometimes they decide to get rid of what is hurting them.

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