Musings —01.27.2014 08:28 AM
—I tried to think of something warm. This is what I came up with.
I don’t know about you, but the next person who says to me (a) “Is it cold enough for ya?” and/or (b) “This is a real Canadian winter!” is going to have a three-foot-long icicle driven through their tiny black heart. By me.
Sick to death with Winter 2014 as I am, I tried to think about happier, warmer times and climes. This is what I came up with: me and the Palma Violets in L.A. in August, doing the Hot Nasties ‘Invasion of the Tribbles.’
I. Hate. This. Winter.
Agreed, hard winter for sure but your pic is so cool.
Is this old-fashioned Canadian winter cold enough for ya? Don’t complain, you could be in Winnipeg.