Man, that is one scary looking kid. Can you please post a digital likeness of what the cops think he looks like now? He might be easier to find…people look a lot different in their 40s than they do when they’re 10 years old.
riddle me this. how is it everything slides off Ford’s back and the powers that be do nothing but the same powers that be are tearing into Neil Young like a dog on a bone.
whose behind this piece of yellow journalism. worst i’ve seen in a long time. is this what the boys in short pants are up to that we are paying for Grrrrrrrrrrrr
Given his recent past, the “I was stuck in an elevator” excuse for being late to a speech yesterday certainly got my eyes, and probably thousands of other peoples rolling.
But, apparently it was what happened. Six or seven others were stuck in there too.
that’s not fair to milk. Or dare I say it, cows.
Man, that is one scary looking kid. Can you please post a digital likeness of what the cops think he looks like now? He might be easier to find…people look a lot different in their 40s than they do when they’re 10 years old.
I rather say we want him to go missing.
Missing milkaholic ??? LOL
I understand that he spends a lot of time at 15 Windsor Road.
What a sweet relief it would be if he would go missing, at least until November.
Help! I’m stuck in an elevator and can’t reach my crack pipe!
Easy peezy again man. He is with Chris Christie in NJ. He’ll be back by 10. Mystery solved. Prize?
Let’s just hope that his kids are OK.
Nobody deserves a father like that.
riddle me this. how is it everything slides off Ford’s back and the powers that be do nothing but the same powers that be are tearing into Neil Young like a dog on a bone.
whose behind this piece of yellow journalism. worst i’ve seen in a long time. is this what the boys in short pants are up to that we are paying for Grrrrrrrrrrrr
The “Ad #2” on that site is 100% fact. Young’s 1500 acre property in California is land stolen from natives without a treaty.
His whole “Honor the Treaties” tour is a California produced scam.
Look at all the propaganda, sorry, promotional material. Look how they spelled “Honor”. That’s the American spelling.
We spell it with a “u” here in Canada. HonoUr.
Matt. A small person only casts a long shadow when the sun goes down.
I haven’t seen him, but just now I saw a dude in my college’s library who was a dead ringer for YOU, Warren. Holy smokes!! Too funny.
He’s my body double. I use him for various public events.
Given his recent past, the “I was stuck in an elevator” excuse for being late to a speech yesterday certainly got my eyes, and probably thousands of other peoples rolling.
But, apparently it was what happened. Six or seven others were stuck in there too.