04.07.2014 01:02 PM

Doolittle 1, Ford 0

This little exchange doesn’t need any context-setting.  Says it all.  Oh, and we need  new mayor for a better city.

Asked if he was high on drugs Saturday night, Mayor Rob Ford quickly said no. But when asked if he continues to use illegal substances, the mayor refused to answer.


  1. harvey bushell says:

    Toronto is a comic book. We’re living in Gotham. The politicians are all cartoonish crooks who constantly get away with their crimes, the cops are bumbling fools, Robyn Doolittle is Lois Lane and Daniel Dale is Jimmy Olsen. All we need is a superhero to clean it all up.

  2. Curt says:

    Does the press ask other politicians that question?

    • Lance says:

      No, only the ones that lied about using crack.

      Ford basically has carte blanche to refuse answering ANY of the MSM’s questions in this regard because of the botched way the investigation was done. Good job guys.

  3. debs says:

    will rob ford ever grow up. Jesus does he ever take responsibility for anything. Yeah the reporters and everyone else, they ask stupid questions. He really is a 14 yr old boy stuck in a 44 yrold mans overly large body.

    • jeff316 says:

      That’s the thing with Rob Ford. In his life he’s never had to take responsibility for anything. He’s never been held accountable for his actions. So he doesn’t know how, when, or where to step up. So, in some respects, you can’t completely fault him – he’s never had any consequences before, why would he have any now?

      The only consequence that anyone can dole out is denying re-election.

  4. God help you if he is re-elected.

    • david ray says:

      why? council will strip his powers again and he can remain comedy gold for another four years until he runs again or dies whichever comes first.

    • Lance says:

      And the thing is, he might very well be, and if he is, what are the people who oppose him going to do for the next 4 years of another mandate when stripping him of his powers has effectively accomplished NOTHING.

      Aye yae yae………

  5. Kevin T. says:

    These questions were never asked and do not exist, most likely happened during one of his drunken stupors.

  6. Coelocanth_Jones says:

    He is such a Chickenshit

  7. Iris Mclean says:

    My biggest concern is for his two young kids.
    What a life they must have.

  8. hukedonphonikswurkedfourmi says:

    I motion lie-detectors be rigged up to all mayoral candidates at the next televised debate. Betcha thats one code robert bruce ford wont crack. And bound to bring back memories of his childhood.

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