04.07.2014 07:16 AM

Olivia on cover of this morning’s 24

Her campaign office opening was so packed yesterday morning that people – including war roomers! – were out on the sidewalk. Not bad.


  1. Key word being “program.” There’s going to be a lot more programs proposed. Which costs $$$.

    • VC says:

      It’s a program to keep kids out of trouble. If it weren’t for Rob Ford and his associates supporting criminals and organized crime – whether buying his drugs from gang bangers or what have you – we might have fewer kids in trouble. When I see the Rob Ford picture with his arms around gang bangers (one who is now dead) at a known crack house and drug den, it becomes quite clear who cares about the safety of our communities and the future of our youth and who just wants to get high.

  2. rww says:

    @ Vankleek Hill Economics 101, spending money to keep kids out of trouble costs a lot less than dealing with the aftermath.

  3. Coelocanth_Jones says:

    What’s with the scare quotes?

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