Musings —09.12.2014 11:57 AM
—One Ford out, one Ford in
While other folks will focus on the politics part, let me say that this can only mean that Rob Ford is really sick. I know all of you join me in wishing him better health.
Musings —09.12.2014 11:57 AM
—While other folks will focus on the politics part, let me say that this can only mean that Rob Ford is really sick. I know all of you join me in wishing him better health.
well its never a dull moment in toronto. doug is an ass but he isnt addicted to much, except mouthing off, and he seems smarter then his younger brother. dont see why all the ROFO supporters wont support DOFO. However I still hope folks vote for Chow, she has a clearer picture of how Toronto should be run, and I think she can manage to do so without offending people weekly.
Not sure about that.
Doug doesn’t connect with people the way Rob does. Doug is the better businessman and I think is generaly viewed as smarter than Rob, but he also has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth more than Rob.
matt you and I essentially agree.
John Tory, Olivia Chow, meh, whoever, things can only improve
When this kind of awful thing happens, we remember how unimportant politics really is.
Differences aside, no one will dispute that Rob Ford is one hell of a tough opponent and if anyone has the force of sheer will to kick cancer’s ass, it’s him.
I wish Mr. Ford only the best and a quick recovery.
That said, this means the circus is still in town.
I respectfully suggest that ship has sailed, debs.
The polls show Rob Ford second and as Warren suggests, there is likely to be a bounce in support because of Rob’s health woes. If Doug Ford registers to run, his support may well be significantly higher than his younger brother’s polling.
If so, he will chew into John Tory’s lead. At this point Olivia Chow is likely the Ford’s best friend, from a polling perspective.
Too sick for mayor but not to sick for Ward 2. Was the younger Ford keeping the candidacy warm
in Ward 2 ? Just in case ? I guess the voters will have to get rid of them both or suffer the consequences.
As for Rob, he has another battle to fight that’s more important. I do wish him better health.
Gotta agree Warren.
My first thought as well was Rob has been given bad news not yet made public. Otherwise he could have kept his name on the ballot, Doug could have still added his name then if Rob were to get the all clear health wise, Doug could have withdrawn.
But, I am scratching my head a little at Rob filing papers to run for councillor in Ward 2. The only scenario I can think of at the moment:
They are hoping Doug wins the Mayor’s chair and Rob wins Ward 2. Doug appoints Rob Deputy Mayor. Rob battles and beats his illness. After a period of time, Doug steps down, Rod then slides into the Mayor’s chair.
Their name is Ford, but they think they’re Windsors.
or Kennedys, or Clintons.
Or, heavens forfend, mayhaps even Bushes, eh?
I read the news today oh boy
and then my head blowed up real good but before it did I heard a voice say “you are a fucking dumbass.” you have just been played by the most professional practitioners of dumbassery to ever walk this earth. So dumb and dim witted in their ability to suck the very marrow from our bones we can only stand and stare in awe at the last minute effrontery of the brothers Ford as they once again tweak our synapses into dumbass overload. you are all free to worship at the Church of Perpetual dumbassery but count me out.
In other news 25.000 children across the world will starve to death today as they did yesterday and will tomorrow while two obese rich entitled corpulent vile lying mysogyinistic hate filled whackjobs occupy our burned out thoughts one more time.
it is to weep.
You nailed it, Brother.
Must suck to face everyday so angry and bitter.
A thing of beauty.
Could someone please pass Mr. Daly the smelling salts and prep the fainting couch?
After you!
Doug is running for mayor, Rob in his old riding, what would it take to stop these two? Why do they want this so badly.
You couldn’t find two worse candidates.
It won’t take much aside from a decent turnout from the anybody-but-Ford vote. Nothing has really changed, except for the first name.
Co-worker just called and said CBC radio mentioned Rob is facing 6 to 8 weeks of chemo.
Obviously that’s second hand and there is bound to be all kinds of rumours and misinformation flying around, but did anyone else hear this?
Doug can’t use any of the money Rob’s campaign raised. He can apparently use Rob’s signs but has to buy them from Rob’s campaign.
Boy, I lock myself into the shop without a computer to get some work done and this happens. I am so completely sick of those two fat apes I could barf! At least Rob Ford is no longer mayor, which is something to celebrate! Regardless, even if Doug manages to dupe everyone with this clumsy switcheroo, he will still be a weak mayor with a council that has no interest in working with him.
Question: What if it turns out Rob Ford is not as sick as we have been led to believe? Will they get punish Doug for this gong show? I am still not convinced that any of this is happening spontaneously. On the contrary it has all the earmarks of sneaky Fordian theatre.
Question: And what if it turns out Rob Ford is sicker than we have been led to believe?
I am still not convinced that any of this is happening spontaneously.
You’re right – Rob Ford ending up with cancer is merely a ploy.
Are you REALLY this fucking stupid?
Doug Ford for Mayor was registered in May. Rob Ford is still running for council. It’s not me that’s stupid, it’s you.
You answered my question very succinctly and removed all doubt.
I’m now flirting with the notion that rob got the cyst/abscess diagnosed moths ago.
Doug is willing to spend the last few weeks his brother may have (while enduring punishing treatment) on the campaign trail?
Rob going on the council ballot.
The day before the deadline all of this is played out?
Obligatory msg of condolence aside.
I smell the familiar whiff of fordshit.
I smell the familiar whiff of fordshit.
Oh boy., another one.
Yes, the Fords are using Rob Ford’s illness to concoct a Machiavellian scheme for more power.
Good fucking Lord.
Now Tory will see how many conservatives hold him in contempt .Rob Ford couldn’t win a mudslinging contest. Doug Ford can easily. Get well Rob.
Don’t discount the clean(er) record of Doug Ford. The politicos probably just advised them to push Rob to the side, with Doug taking the lead. I still predict a Ford win in October. I just didn’t think it would be Doug.
The human being means much more to me than the politician, so I sincerely wish Rob the best.
I kinda think though, that Doug was always the Mayor, so he may as well run and my guess is he has a good shot at it.
The waiting is hell. Hoping things aren’t as serious as they sound with Rob Ford’s health.
Now watch the media vultures particularly CBC’s Soloman tonight on P&P, milk every bit of drama they can out this and leave us regular folks begging them just to go away. Absolutely no class. My wife says they all belong on one of those kiddie shows about Vampires. Agreed!
Just watched Chow and Tory’s reaction press conferences.
Chow – Not very strong stmbled over her words, but she seemed to take the high road. Concern for Rob’s health, and today isn’t the right time to talk about Doug’s entry into the race. Then went on to talk about her platform.
Tory: Started out wishing Rob a quick recovery. Sounded very Mayoral. Then the wheels fell off as he went into attack mode against Doug. Left the impression he’s shitting bricks over Doug’s entry.
I just watched him on P&P and he is doing a good job of walking the fine line. It would be foolish to let the Ford theatre of the absurd derail his campaign, which just might be the tactic here. I would not put it beneath them to use Rob’s illness as ploy.
This is interesting. It should not be forgotten that hardcore addiction is a potentially deadly disease in and of itself, one that has been dismissed by so many as a mere predisposition to partying. Clearly brother Doug saw it in such a light.
Domain name:
Domain status: registered
Creation date: 2014/05/06
Expiry date: 2015/05/06
He knew what was going to happen while he was standing in front of the cameras yesterday looking all butt-hurt. And today he’s all smiles and laughter with his pals in the press. What a stinking gong show.
You do know I can go to Go Daddy this minute and register,,, ect right?
Just because was registered in May 2014 doesn’t mean he or anyone who knows him did it.
Don’t know what you were watching. I saw no smiles or laughter.
Power and Politics as well as other b-rolls during reports. Shot of Doug walking out of the registry office today all smiles and happy as a lark. Then he’s back to blubber face in front of the cameras for his big show. If you can’t recognize self-derving BS then I can’t help you.
Seems, from your comments, you cannot even help yourself.
You are assuming it was actually him who registered the name.
It’s entirely possible someone else completely unrelated to the Fords did. The date is around the time went into rehab.
Someone could have thought Rob would fail, withdraw and Doug would take his place, so they registered the domain name hoping Doug would want it and buy it from him/her.
Fair points Matt. But I tend not to believe in coincidences in politics — especially where the Fords are concerned. They use the same tactics as Huey Long and other populist frauds.
Don’t be so quick to let these two conniving creeps off the hook:
Doug has the charm of a snake. I really don’t think he can hide that until the end of the election. It’s Tory’s election to lose now.
See I was right about the CBC – animals! Kudos thought o Olivia Chow – classy.
Sorry should have read to Olivia Chow.
Le Devoir headline this morning: ‘D’un Ford a un autre!’
I hear Rob’s name must appear on the ballot regardless.
Would that split the Ford vote ? HOAG’s to Rob the rest to Dug ?
Er, no. As I said in the other thread, RoFo met the deadline for withdrawing. His name is OFF the ballot.
“Oh, that’s very different …. Never mind.”
~ Emily Litella (again)
On the subject of Rob’s health, I’ll just paraphrase Moe from the Simpsons: I’m a well-wisher, in that I don’t wish him any specific harm.
I just hope Doug will manage his own mayoral campaign as well as he did for his brother…and yes that does smell like sarcasm
It is hoped Rob Ford makes a full recovery and lives out a good life. We may not agree with all he did, but he certainly wasn’t boring. He obviously had substance abuses issues, but hey, lots of other people have had and continue to have. So again, I do hope he makes a full recovery and enjoys his life.
As to his brother Doug, I’m sure he thinks he is doing the right thing by his family. Is he going to win. Doubt it. Olivia Chow is the best candidate for the job. Rob Ford, despite all his “issues” has always been fairly entertaining and at some levels “personable”. His brother Doug, not so much. He might be a better “administrator” than Rob, but he doesn’t have the “personality” his brother has.
Even if you don’t live in Toronto, its important for other in Canada to know Toronto has a good mayor in office. One who can attend to the business of the largest city in Canada.