Musings —10.07.2014 05:55 PM
—New Daisy Group web site!
Thanks to the prodding and design work of Bjorn, and the work of Lala and Babs, the new Daisy Group web site is up! Below, some screenshots from the new web site, which is right here.

Jump on it and click around and let us know what you think. Comments below are welcome, too.
Wow-impressive staff bios. Great client list. Services are loud and clear. Great job, well done. Fabulous use of “Daisy”, I’d hire ya.
No consistency.
Why is Laksh not wearing white?
Looks great– I would maybe just try to make the pic on the home page somewhat sharper or crisper. The biography pics are fine. Nice view btw!
Bjorn and Babs deserve all the credit. They put together an amazing site!
Nicely done. Compared with Stampede it’s the Encyclopedia Britannica.
And there are surnames ! Like real names. With pictures !
The only non-stock picture at Stampede shows Soudas modelling a suit from Sears.
1000 words:
May I make one observation? The page with the good line “WE KNOW, WE DON’T GUESS”. Great line but what I see jumping out at me when I scan it are the two words “WE”. If you changed the colours you might have the words “KNOW” and “DON”T GUESS” jump out instead.
Looks nice. Only suggestion is to optimize the pages for faster load time.
Daisy is such a lousy name. If I named a media company after a flower it would either be Snapdragon or Venus Flytrap.