02.14.2015 08:48 AM

CBC National story on Sun News Network: what’s remarkable

…what’s remarkable isn’t the subject matter, or the fact that it used B-roll of people who left the network almost four years ago, or that I wore a sweater Lala detests, in public, on TV. No what’s remarkable is this marks the first-time appearance of Canada’s Best-loved Political Dog, Roxy™, on CBC. I am told a reality show is in the offing for her.


  1. Ty says:

    Had almost forgotten all about Theo Caldwell…even putting a few eggs in his basket was pretty dumb (hindsight being 20/20, of course)

  2. Doconnor says:

    I’ll hold out for the children’s show starring those sweater moose.

  3. Shawn says:

    You really should have listened to her about the sweater! When Erin says don’t wear something I’ve learned she’s always right.

  4. MississaugaPeter says:

    Nothing wrong with that sweater.

    I like it.

    It is Canadian!

    – says the guy whose wife now buys all his clothes

  5. James Smith says:

    IF only you wore the sweater on air they might still be on air!

    Seriously, it’s sad to loose any Canadian voices in the media landscape, and my condolences for all who lost their jobs.
    From the little I watched the prob with the network was 3 fold:
    – The premise: News landscape full of Right of centre voices, one more set of talking heads with an even further right of centre slant (your’s not withstanding) was redundant with extra redundancy sauce.
    – Boring content, nothing to set it apart from anything else on the media landscape
    – Not one signature MUST SEE show, event, or personality that other shows could feed off

  6. smelter rat says:

    Oh please, this venture was doomed from the start. You can’t make honey out of dog shit. Our host not withstanding.

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