06.08.2015 03:55 PM

Liblogs, bye bye, zzzzz

This may have happened months ago, which will tell you how often I check out Liblogs.  But it seems to have gone, you know, 86.

I think I was on there for a while, even though I didn’t ask to be or particularly want to be. They then removed me, I’m told, because someone threatened to sue them because they linked to me.

Anyway, I’m now completely bored talking about this. How about those Blackhawks?

www.warrenkinsella.com is now in its 15th year, with around 3,000,000 page views annually. Jason Cherniak is 106.


  1. Will says:

    Cherniak is 106 what? That seems a high estimate of him by just about any metric: page views, IQ, how many votes he’ll ever get in an election…

  2. James Calder says:

    I’ll takeover Liblogs if need be. That’s too bad.

  3. bigcitylib says:

    This happened under a week ago. Dunno who to contact about it anymore, though. Maybe Nancy Leblanc. (And they removed you because they got threatened and have $0 budget for handling legal issues).

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