Musings —07.08.2015 07:51 AM
—“Due to stock market’s collapse the rooftop is now closed to prevent accidents”
Making the rounds after the collapse of Chinese markets. Here. May not be legit, but after the rout of recent days, may well be!
Musings —07.08.2015 07:51 AM
—Making the rounds after the collapse of Chinese markets. Here. May not be legit, but after the rout of recent days, may well be!
Because people who lose a bundle become less careful and more prone to stumble, no doubt.
This was bound to happen. The Chinese stock market was grossly overvalued even by the inflated standards of the Dow Jones today. Price
earnings ratios have been way out of whack worldwide ever since the plummet in interest rates killed off all traditional saving vehicles. Unlike NthAm and Europe, China’s market has a very high proportion of day traders rather than institutional investors, adding to the instability.