09.11.2015 12:52 PM

Meet Prime Minister Mulcair’s Minister of State (Gangbanging)

What a nice person! The NDP candidate in Edmonton, in her own words:



  1. JPSD says:

    Two things.

    1) Looks like she’s going for professional-ghetto in terms of personality

    2) “Gang-Banging” does not mean what you think it does anymore, old-timer. Go google it (when your wife isn’t around).

  2. Mark says:

    What you said about social media and eventually being found out is so, so true. Can’t believe some of the things some of these candidates say or do. I am very outspoken on some social media, but I have no plans to run for office, nor are my rantings anything like you would see from this candidate every mother would love you to bring home for dinner.

  3. Mark says:

    I also note that Ms. Swampy is a Collections Officer with CRA. Betta pay yo taxes.

  4. Jackal says:

    Honestly, who cares?

  5. Derek Pearce says:

    At this rate by about 2028 no one will ever be able to go into politics again. The anarchists have won! As a punk you must be happy about our leaderless future Warren 😉

  6. Luke says:

    Whoa! Did she accidentally leave her FB signed in and get pranked by someone? Because… wow…?

  7. Lou says:

    No big deal. It is now a badge of honour for the left to use cursing as way to get their point across. Bill Mahar, Jon Stewart, anyone that dreams of JT as PM. Does Mulcair approve of quotas for “bitches” as well? Not even worth the response, but could you imagine the STAR’s freakout if this was a Conservative? On the bright side, this is a clear indication that the NDP’s vetting process would clear any warm body available. Food for thought.

    • Jen says:

      …….as opposed to the vetting process that resulted in the stellar candidacy of the dude pissing in his clients coffee cup or the one who categorizes women by their choice of alcoholic beverage. Nice try.

      And swearing is hardly a monopoly of the those “lying pieces of shit” on the left, Lou.

  8. Mark says:

    Not even in both official languages!

  9. Matt says:

    There are photos of her and her husband flashing gang signs and pointing a pistol at the camera.


    But give Tommy’s history a “heartfelt apology” is all that’s needed to wipe the slate clean.

  10. Kevin T. says:

    Don’t mind the language, it’s the Internet. But the use ‘u’ makes me want to hurl my computer.

  11. DavidS says:

    looks like the NDP will need another replacement,, unless Tom just accepts an apology and forgives all.

  12. Alex says:

    Serious question: Is the sudden spike in social media bozo eruptions simply a fad that will fade away? According to some, every political candidate in the future will have some stupid statement, image, video, etc. recorded on social media. As such, being caught in a crazy twitter rant, silly photo, nutty Facebook post or wacky video won’t really have an impact, because by then everyone will have some embarrassing moment captured in the public domain.

    I don’t think this election is any nuttier than previous ones. Rather, I think that social media is simply broadcasting behavior that has always taken place, but which in the past was kept private. But as the funny bozo eruptions grow — pee in a cup yesterday, rabbit bitches today, punching an elephant tomorrow — I suspect they will have a decreasing impact on campaigns as the novelty wears off.

  13. DavidS says:

    and have you seen the pictures of her husband?? over on the Rebel

    ‘NDP candidate’s husband posing gangster-style with handgun’

  14. cassandra says:

    its was only a matter of time before we started seeing the fake troll accounts, lol

  15. John Baglow says:

    Hey, you’re in the punkstream, right? Not sure what the problem is here. Certainly didn’t expect faux-outrage from you.

  16. Sm says:

    I’m glad she has found a way in the past 4 years to work change from within the system instead of fight shit with more shit;
    I found her experience described at the 0:54 mark to be interesting.

  17. Matt says:


    Tommy’s sticking with her.

    I lost count on the number of excuses she a Mulcair were giving.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      It’s a matter of sound judgment. Something tells me Mulcair lacks the temperament and resolve to be PM. A smart leader does like Harper did and quickly severs the umbilical cord. Away with the pod. Set it free.

      • terence quinn says:

        TRUE ENOUGH. Uncle Tom left his communications director in place after his shots at the former Pope were outed. Those were also pretty brutal comments.

  18. MississaugaPeter says:

    She will claim to apologize and all will be O.K. in NDP land.

    All she has to do is follow the lead of Shawn Dearn (NDP Communications Director), who as a supposed communications guru should have know better, stated a few days ago:

    “Some tweets that pre-dated my current role were offensive and do not reflect my views.”
    “They are being deleted and I apologize sincerely.”

    It will all be O.K. with Papa Bear Mulcair.

  19. George says:


    (grabs popcorn and waits for more comments and inevitable withdrawal from campaign)

  20. MississaugaPeter says:

    On a more local note, is Barbara Findlay, former deputy to Andre Marin, a significant upgrade?


  21. Jnap says:

    In the olden days, when nominees were vetted as possible political candidates, we were asked about our “past”. All I could think about was ” affairs with opposition or married politicians” since that was the sort of thing that would be outed, in those days. Luckily I was not guilty on that score.
    Unluckily, I still lost the by-election for my party. Message? Maybe voters like candidates with colourful devious past histories?

  22. Jeff says:

    I missed your post on Konstantin Toubis. Must be my browser not loading right.

  23. Maps Onburt says:

    She’s an idiot but you have to wonder if anyone really cares. After all, look how well Trump is doing.

  24. Mike Adamson says:

    and get off my lawn!

  25. pod says:

    How many more are like this with the Dippers?

    How many Bloc are there really? 50% +1.

    Who are these people in Orange? No one seems to know.

    The truth is about to be revealed shortly to Canadians.

    Dippers are on the way Dow.

    Cons are stalled, That’s it, that’s all.

    Libs on the way UP.

  26. mike sloan says:

    This happens in every party. At what point are we going to say, well, some people have made mistakes on social media, and we should get over ourselves?

  27. cassandra says:

    on further investigation, IE newstories, I report, context is everything. I think racist comments against first nations might bring out the ire in many, not just those being victimized.

  28. So she swears. Big deal.

  29. davie says:

    Hey, a judgment passed on a 2011 internet exchange from a mature member of Shit From Hell.

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