09.17.2015 10:14 PM

Old Stock Canadian 



  1. 3 Oceans says:

    Is Doris Day, riding Barney the purple dinosaur?

  2. Matt says:

    Not getting the reference.

    Is it a poke at Trudeau’s canoeing photo-op Thursday morning?

    • Christian Giles says:

      I’m thinking that’s exactly what it is.

    • Nosferatu200 says:

      Harper made a weird reference to “old stock Canadians” during the debate. The phrase is sort of lighting up on social media. Harper did alright in the debate (I thought Mulcair won; it was close between the two with Trudeau a distant third), but it might be that many who watched will remember “old stock Canadians” more than any other part of the debate which might not be entirely helpful to Mr. Harper.

  3. Christian Giles says:

    Ohhhhh. Totally off. It’s a reference to Harper’s claim that ‘Old stock Canadians’ agree with taking benefits away from failed claimants.

    Speaking of Old Stock can you still buy that stuff? Haven’t had one in years…

  4. Ridiculosity says:

    Not “getting” the reference?


    Try reading a history book. They will take you places you can’t imagine.

  5. Derek Pearce says:

    Ok I’m going to cop to this: I actually thought Stock was kinda sexy riding in on the seadoo all buff and wet. And I wasn’t alone! Never voted for him though. Not in one billion years would I have.

  6. Derek Pearce says:

    Oh btw Lisa LaFlamme specifically mentioned that line at the top of the newscast tonight, not sure how attention it’s getting elsewhere…

  7. JPSD says:

    LOL. I was just starting to feel that #elxn42 was really missing a Stockwell Day reference. Luckily, Harper paved the way for that tonight.

    On a more serious note though.

    I’m not a Conservative, but I’ve never had a visceral hate for Stephen Harper. While, I do fundamentally disagree with his approach to governing and approach to our parliamentary system and institutions –I don’t despise him. He beliefs are his and there are many that subscribe to them, which is totally their prerogative.

    That said, its really hard for me to digest the “old-stock-Canadian” comment he made today. I know he’s playing wedge politics to try and galvanize his voter base but that comment is just short of saying “white-Canadian” and its pretty hard not to interpret it that way. I really hate that this is where he’s choosing to go because this sort of rhetoric is just so un-Canadian.

  8. Maps Onburt says:

    Any body catch Mulclair’s joke to Trudeau? Trudeau didn’t think it was very funny.

  9. cassandra says:

    old stock vs new stock canadians, Im not sure but I think that might be a dogwhistle term that describes older white canadians who scream at reporters in outrage.

  10. Bart F. says:

    Harper referred to his program appealing to “new and old stock Canadians”. It probably means everyone has varying numbers of generations that their family has been in Canada (yup that’s awkward grammar).

    Those who want to reforge this into a “racism!!!” incident are really reaching.

    Warren’s picture is funny – Stockwell Day would be the first to agree.

  11. Marc-Andre Chiasson says:

    Old stock Canadians reminds me of the expression often used by Quebec separatists, “Québécois pure laine”. Roughly translated, pure laine means 100% pure wool. So…yes I think Harper’s old stock quip was racist.

    • Patrick says:

      That is exactly what came to mind for me when I heard it. I’d be curious to see What term he uses if he gets a question about this in French.

  12. Derek Pearce says:

    If he used that term on purpose to dogwhistle that would be a sign he’s worried about losing the base, no? You don’t use that language when you’re aiming for a majority gov’t.

  13. Darcy McNeill says:

    Good one!

  14. Bruce Marcille says:

    Old Stock will ring hollow to English Canadians, for whom it has no connotations.

    To French Canadians, it will be translated as “pure laine” and carry a boatload of connotations.

    But taking a look at La Presse, not a word on it. In fact, barely anything on the debate, at all.

  15. davie says:

    When I read stuff by Canadians in 19th Century, and even some in over half the 20th Century, what strikes me is the degree to which so many regarded themselves as subjects in the British Empire. Sometimes I get the idea that many regarded themselves as subjects of the empire first, then Canadians. (Sort of the way someone might say, I am a Canadian first, then an Albertan.)
    My paternal grandfather was born and raised in Toronto, my father, the same; when I was born in Toronto in 1941, my status was Subject of the British Empire. I think that a legal status of Canadian Nationals happened late in the 1940’s, and Canadian Citizenship, as we know it today, in the 1960’s some time.
    Circa late 1950’s, an older relative of mine told me that the worst mistake that made in Canada was allowing in non British stock.
    I have a sense that there are still older people in Canada (who tend to vote), who long for the good old days of the empire, the royal family as ‘us,’ and a kind of supremacy.

  16. Joseph says:

    https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPMkYzYUYAA9t4-.png I wonder why this never raised any eyebrows in the HOC.

    • Matt says:

      Because a Liberal said it.

      Harper’s use of the term was clearly planned as the CPC war room put out a press release quoting 4 instances where Liberals, including Trudeau himself used the phrase “old stock”.

      “The Tory election war room had obviously anticipated the phrase could become a point of contention. Before Friday’s event, campaign representatives circulated an email to media that included quotes by Liberal politicians, including Trudeau, that contained the term.

      The email cited a 2007 Toronto Star article that reported Trudeau had wondered in an earlier interview with a Montreal newspaper whether the Québécois nation included everyone in Quebec or just the “old stock” pioneers of the province.”


  17. JH says:

    Not getting this. Heard the comment in reference to not giving health care benefits to bogus immigrants, Harper said that it was a policy that new Canadians, existing Canadians and old stock Canadians could agree with (in other words everybody?). Thought it was awkward phrasing, but those of us watching he debate in our household basically agreed. What’s the problem? Don’t see why all parties wouldn’t see this as realistic. I mean we don’t reward cheaters or those who come here illegally do we?
    Or perhaps I just don’t understand partisanship well enough or how the game is played?

  18. e.a.f. says:

    living in B.C , never heard the phrase, old stock, before except in relation to retail. Harper’s explanation isn’t working for me. It may mean one thing in Quebec and I get that, the rest not so much. the phrase says I’m not a true Canadian, I’m not old stock. being a Canadian for 50 yrs, by choice isn’t good enough. Consider the phrase racist and divisive, just an addition to Steve’s citizenship act which allows the government to deport me because I wasn’t born here, like my siblings. guess we’re just not part of steve’s version of Canada.

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