09.17.2015 10:57 AM

There are only two possibilities, logically 

One, they like all the alternatives equally. Two, they dislike them all equally. 

Either way, Elizabeth May, take heart.

H/T Steve Paikin. 



  1. Derek Pearce says:

    Meanwhile a fresh Environics poll (the 3rd poll released today) has it NDP 34%, Libs 29%, Cons 26%. It’s going to a be a minority no which party. But which?

    • Maps Onburt says:

      The Toronto Star published a Forum poll that shows the Conservatives ahead, the NDP immediately after and then the Liberals. All of these things are within the margin of error so it’s silly to look at them for anything other than entertainment value. They are all wrong.

    • Matt says:

      Environics doesn’t exactly have a stellar track record.

  2. Ted H says:

    A minority coalition government like so many European countries and Israel for example. A much better reflection of the growing complexity of Canada and better democratic representation for the Canadian people. I sincerely hope this becomes the new normal

    • Jason says:

      Really doubt that will happen – if politicians were to learn from Nick Clegg’s experience (which was in a parliament and political culture more similar to ours than Isreal and the European countries you alluded to), its a bad idea to be the junior partner in a coalition. I think the Liberals would rather let the NDP briefly govern and “fail” at an opportune time.

      I don’t think it will matter, because I still think the Tories will win this.

  3. davie says:

    Major parties in heat!

  4. KBab says:

    The two choices: Progressive, or Conservative.

  5. cynical says:

    I can’t vote Green but May is really the only person I’d positively like to see as PM. She seems so.. reasonable.

    • davie says:

      She says the LEAP manifesto, democratic improvements and addressing climate change, reflect that part of the Green platform…which, as far as I can tell, echoes that encyclical and some speeches in South America from the Pope of the past months.

      What’s happening here?

      …is happening?

  6. Elisabeth Lindsay says:

    Ah, Davie m`luv……we are truly living in mighty parlous times.

  7. the salamander hordes says:

    .. more and more we see the similarity between Donald Trump & the Conservative Party with Stephen Harper. The constant outflow of sheer nonsense, distortion, deflection and fairy tales.. dutifully delivered by mainstream media to the masses. Marshall McLuhan & Hunter S. Thompson are up there laughing uproariously … The Medium Is The Madness

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