10.20.2015 09:42 AM

The morning after, measured in tweets


  1. Matt says:

    Warren, are the (allegedly) former Liberal Senators going to be a problem for Trudeau?

    There are (allegedly) no more Liberal Senators. So who is the government leader in the Senate? Who chairs the committees?

  2. A. Voter says:

    It wasn’t a surprise to see some of the Conservative deadwood be defeated, but it was to see so may high-profile NDP MPs go down. Why would “progressives” think having a Liberal majority is better than a strong NDP presence in a minority parliament?

    • Matt says:

      Because this election was about defeating Harper.

      When the NDP’s poll numbers began to tank, all but the hardcore supporters jumped ship.

      • cassandra says:

        exactly Matt, right on the mark. It was all about ABC, and so many saw the libs in their area the best shot to get rid of Harper. And looks like they were right.
        Mulcair is sticking around, which is great as he will keep JT busy and he will also provide the libs support against the cons if they try to block votes.

    • Rick says:

      no option to vote for a “strong NDP presence in a minority parliament.” Also can;t vote for a Liberal Minority or anything by your local MP candidate. the ABC vote coalesced around Trudeau – everyone who wanted Harper gone voted Liberal. If what I read this morning is true, only 4% less voted Conservative than in 2011 (around 250000 votes.) Heck, they could have won a majority still with only a 4% drop in vote! But the Liberal vote skyrocketed, and highest voter turnout in 22 years. combine those 2, and you can see why Conservatives only got 29% overall.

      Edit – just checked Elections Canada website – Conservative vote only dropped by 232K votes. NDP vote dropped by more than a million, and Liberal vote grew by more than 4 million votes. in total, almost 3 million more people voted in 2015 than 2011.

    • Rene G. says:

      This is all on Mulcair. The seats gained by the NDP last year were Jack Layton’s, not Mulcair’s.
      And the people who voted NDP in the previous election were probably Liberals who weren’t impressed with Ignatieff; Jack Layton’s win again.

      The voters put their ballots to the one they believed would be most effective in shutting Harper down.

      And the people who wrote PM Justin off underestimated his ability to connect with us and our hearts.

      That is what made the difference.

    • Cory says:

      Me too. Basically anybody in a position to challenge Mulclair is gone: Stoffer, Martin, Nash, Dewar…

  3. Phil says:

    My unsolicited 2 cents:

    In my “social networking galaxy” I saw (a) considerable dislike of the Harper CPC’s, and (b) a hyper awareness of the perils of vote splitting.

    Extrapolating beyond my little bubble, it looks like 70% of non-CPC core voters wanted Harper out, and were waiting to see which horse was the better bet. Once the NDP #’s started dipping, people quickly shifted to the Liberals. As WK noted, the Liberals have a stronger brand than the NDP.

    Interesting that the CPC vote count didn’t drop much from 2011. Given this election had the “highest vote turnout since 1993”, it looks like the Progressives were motivated.

    • cynical says:

      Best thumbnail analysis so far. It agrees with mine.

      The only clouds on my horizon? Pierre Poilevre got re-elected and Paul Dewar did not, even though he was beaten by what appears to be an estimable Liberal candidate. She’ll have to work hard to be better than Mr.Dewar.

      • littlemissbliss says:

        that’s ok. skippy is back in the peanut butter jar on the shelf where we can watch him fester until he rots

      • CanadianKate says:

        My exact thoughts on those candidates.

        I’m also waiting for the howls of protest that this government isn’t legit since almost 73% of the eligible voters didn’t choose it.

        Looking forward to the end of FPTP but expecting from the MSM when Trudeau forgets about that campaign promise.

  4. JH says:

    Agree on Global. BTW did you catch Oliver rant about Harper on the open mike? Confirms what I thought about CTV bias. Totally embarrassed himself. Sounded like he had a few. Even one panelist was so taken aback he blurted out Jesus! in the middle of it all.

    • Vancouverois says:

      I missed that. What did he say?

    • Derek Pearce says:

      Well it was a little unprofessional of him but he sure was expressing what a majority of the viewers out were thinking/expressing their reasons for voting the way they did. And in a way, after how Harper has treated the press for the past decade it must’ve been a little bit of the-election-is-over-here’s-a-touch-of-payback. He also said in that rant that the press would hold the new prime minister to the same level of accountability.

  5. Marlowe Johnson says:

    Remember that vote turnout was much higher this election so the fact that Conservative vote was only down 250K isn’t quite as suggestive as you make it. Don’t disagree that NDP was hardest hit tho.

  6. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    If the Trudeau government immediately hits the ground running in Year One, the rest of the mandate will take care of itself.

  7. Jason Smith says:

    So Harper is a young Liberal as a teenager. then he moves to Edmonton and then Calgary and works in the oil industry and for the PC party after seeing Pierre Trudeaus policies break hearts in Alberta. He then works to bring a right wing economic policy to Canada and rises to the top of a new United Conservative party and eyes an opportunity to destroy the Liberal party that hearts thinks had worked ton destroy his adopted home province.

    Harper also writes a scathing “eulogy” about Pierre in a national newspaper and uses the term “hate” on that occasion of his death to describe his feelings towards Pierre as a politician.

    On the day that is published, Trudeau’s son Justin enters the national conversatile with a well received eulogy at his father’s funeral.

    15 Years later, with Harper at the top, this younger Trudeau emerges to hand him a strong defeat, resurrecting Liberalism just as Harper was ready to shove it off rhe cliff after spending 9 years dragging it to the top.

    The next morning, Harper wakes.up beaten, some of his best cabinet ministers defeated (the ones that didn’t choose to abandon ship before the election).

    And worse? His mayor is a liberal Muslim. His city just elected Liberals for the first time in nearly 50 years. His province is run by Socialists in the NDP. And once again, a Trudeau is his Prime Minister. A Trudeau who thew him out of office.

    I hope some Canadian filmmakers, novelists and/or filmmakers can write this Greek tragedy ands it deserves to be written.

    • W the K - No, not Warren says:

      It just writes itself, doesn’t it? I have often thought of the first half of this story but never the second. Positively Wagnerian!

  8. PJ says:

    Lynton Crosby discovered that what works in Australia will not fly in Canada.
    US Democrats working for the NDP forgot that there are 3 parties in Canada and incumbency is not as entrenched in Canada as it is in the US, i.e. 35 more seats is all we need.
    Props to the “Old Stock” Canadians in the Liberal War Room, for as Tip O’Neil once said: “All politics is local”.

    Mulcair made 2 fatal errors in this campaign:
    1) He drank the Conservative Kool-Aid and grossly underestimated Justin Trudeau. It appears that Justin Trudeau wiped the floor with Tom Mulcair.
    2) He took voters for granted. He assumed all left-of-center voters would vote NDP, therefore he could ignore them and focus on the centrist voters. The Liberals outflanked him on the left.

  9. Curt says:

    To quote Dief the Chief: “It was a calamitical disaster”.

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