Musings —12.01.2015 01:32 PM
—Michael Bate, ethical giant
From: Michael Bate <>Date: Wed, 6 Dec 16:55:08 -0500
To: Warren Kinsella <.ca>
I’m looking forward to talking to you. Just don’t want to see it mentioned in your blog. After all, we have principles to maintain, appearances to keep up.
Michael who?
Too inside baseball for this westerner.
Google says a guy with this name runs Frank. That guy? If he runs a magazine why is he using a generic ISP email address.
(Shurely shome mishtake? -ed.
You gonna sue the guy or write for him?
Long time reader, first time commenter. Wow, you’re going to talk evo-devo with a guy from Cambridge. Your breadth of interest astonishes!
I admittedly have no idea who this guy is, or why any of this is important. But…. That was a pretty ice cold thing to do to someone.