02.23.2016 07:05 AM

A thank you from Laura Miller

Received this, and thought I’d share. (Scott was my lawyer, too, winning a big case that went all the way to the SCC.)

“Warren –

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your kind contribution to my legal defense fund. I am touched by the generous support and warm wishes from friends, family, and perfect strangers.

Over the past two months, my sole focus has been clearing my name – and I have been working diligently to set a path forward. Your assistance has gone a long way in helping me do that.

As someone who has donated to my defense fund, I wanted to provide you a direct update on my legal counsel. As you are aware, I have been represented by Clay Ruby and his associate Annamaria Enanjor. I am deeply grateful to Clay and Annamaria for their work with me during the earliest days of this legal challenge. I can never thank them enough for their support and guidance.

As I prepare for the next phase of this long and complex case, I have retained Scott Hutchison to act as my legal counsel.

A partner at Henein Hutchison LLP, Scott has extensive government experience and technological expertise in addition to a strong record as one of Canada’s leading criminal litigators. Having worked with him over the last number of weeks, I am confident that he and his team will mount a strong and vigorous defense on my behalf. You can read more about Scott here.

Again, thank you for your kindness. If I can ever be of assistance now or in the future, please do not hesitate to ask.

Warmest regards,


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