Musings —03.19.2016 10:04 AM
—Loathe Donald Trump even more after his latest attacks on women and religious folks?
SFH despise him too!
So sing along. It might make you feel better. It did us.
Musings —03.19.2016 10:04 AM
—SFH despise him too!
So sing along. It might make you feel better. It did us.
Send a clip to John Oliver. Maybe get an invite!
Will do. Got addy?
It is HBO. The show, Last Week Tonight, has a contact section.
I was a tad presumptuous and sent them the name of your band and the title of your song.
Amazing how the Republican Establishment was able to get out all those protestors in Arizona this morning!
(…the mischief in his heart made him type…)
Surprised me when the anti Trump Republican Establishment was able to get out all those protestors in Arizona this morning!
Mid 70’s…sometimes say things 2ce…
Isn’t it amazing? And day after day, the surprises just keep piling up.
Anti-Trump protest in NYC turned violent today……with injuries reported and pepper spray used…..
I wonder where Donald Trump’s campaign would be if he avoided the inflammatory rhetoric from the get go……It separated him from the crowd, and made him the front runner, and possibly the Rep.nominee…..but I suspect in the end, it will be a Pyrrhic victory.
Everyone talks about anger. But they are way beyond that — and that’s why Trump will beat Clinton in a New York minute.
Boy, you and Lisa really have quite a challenge ahead. Brave souls.
I think you are going to fail miserably at the prognostication game.
I hope you are right. Nothing would please me more than to be completely wrong this time.
His latest pissing match with Megyn Kelly and Fox News is so out there — it’s like something you’d expect to see from some barking mad banana Republic dictator.