04.21.2016 12:30 PM

The artist formerly known as Prince

What a shock.


  1. PJH says:

    This has to be the worst year on record for losing pop/rock stars……another bit o’ my youth…..gone…….Travel well, Prince……

  2. Matt says:

    Never really a big fan, but I was dragged to one of his shows years ago.

    I gotta say, it was fantastic.

  3. Francis says:

    A lot of icons in short period of time.

    Surprisingly, the Queen continues to outlive all of them.

    • aggo says:

      …not to mention Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Keith Richards.

      • Lynn says:

        ….and that old boy who rocked a piano and shocked the world with his antics and life, as well as his music… Jerry Lee Lewis.

        I saw Prince in concert, and the man was unbelievable; his energy, his talent, his songs…Gone far too young.

  4. Steve T says:

    As you point out, Prince didn’t play “punk” music, but his approach was very punk-like. The same was true for Bowie. They said f**k convention, and f**k the typical approach of cookie-cutter musicians. A very sad loss.

    Plus, Price was from Minneapolis, which is near and dear to us Winnipeggers!

  5. Genius. One of the finest guitar players ever. Soundtrack to my high school years in Purple Rain. Just gutted.

  6. Bluegreenblogger says:

    Yes, he was weird but a great musician. Sad day. Too young.

  7. lou says:

    During the midst of mu headbanger days, I was still attracted to the fusion that Prince produced. He was an unrivaled artist in that he knew and did not accept any boundaries to his music. RIP.

  8. Al in Cranbrook says:

    While back I watched a lengthy interview with Slash. One of the last questions was, who is the one guitar player you still haven’t played with that you’d like an opportunity? He didn’t hesitate to reply, “Prince.”

    The guy was a fabulous virtuoso on guitar, and IMHO ranked with the best of the best, such as Beck, Page, Clapton, Vai, Van Halen and May.

    This is a great performance of a classic that he put the icing on…


    A very sad day.

  9. Christian Giles says:

    Dear 2016.

    You start off with the death of David Bowie. That was bad enough. But obviously not enough for you. So. You take Prince. 2016. All I have to say is FUCK YOU!

  10. Eric Weiss says:

    Fuck 2016

  11. Richard says:

    He was one of those rare talents that transcended any genre. He just grabbed your attention and made you want to watch and listen.

    I was reading a brief tribute to him by one of the metal bands I follow–for their “intro song” they had Purple Rain playing on the house speakers and they said that EVERYBODY there was singing along and knew the words.

    So many creators of so many soundtracks to so many lives have left us.

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