Besides spending time usefully reading comments on this web site, I also spend time usefully on facebook. A ‘friend’ from Ontario just posted a note from a person in lower mainland who owns property in the BC Peace. He is offering almost a dozen empty houses as shelter for families fleeing Fort Mac. Of course I passed the info on to my contacts on fb.
A recent post here invited discussion of the drawbacks of the internet and social networking on this medium. This is not the only time I have seen fb used in this manner, usually for local opportunities or answers to calls for help, but sometimes bringing together a broader community – as in this example.
Besides spending time usefully reading comments on this web site, I also spend time usefully on facebook. A ‘friend’ from Ontario just posted a note from a person in lower mainland who owns property in the BC Peace. He is offering almost a dozen empty houses as shelter for families fleeing Fort Mac. Of course I passed the info on to my contacts on fb.
A recent post here invited discussion of the drawbacks of the internet and social networking on this medium. This is not the only time I have seen fb used in this manner, usually for local opportunities or answers to calls for help, but sometimes bringing together a broader community – as in this example.
Pretty decent and helpful gesture by this fellow!
My mistake…the donor is from Fort St John.