“The world seems to have reached a critical point in terms of creating a large enough pool of ‘losers’ – those who lost out on globalization, who lost out on technology, who lost out on free trade – to create the undercurrents of this instability.”
When the watering hole dries up, the animals start to look at each other differently.
I get that the media doesn’t like Trump. Does the media get that millions do, and could care less what they think?
Personally, being Canadian I could also care less. American presidents Rep. or Dem. have never changed my life one iota.
However I think this Rex Murphy piece tells a lot of truth to power and explains the recent past and maybe the future somewhat. http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/rex-murphy-what-do-rob-ford-the-brexit-and-donald-trump-have-in-common
Trump is a symptom of a much larger problem.
Mark McKinnon of the Globe and Mail gives an excellent summary here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/munich-nice-turkey-brexit-trump-its-all-connected/article31084101/
“The world seems to have reached a critical point in terms of creating a large enough pool of ‘losers’ – those who lost out on globalization, who lost out on technology, who lost out on free trade – to create the undercurrents of this instability.”
When the watering hole dries up, the animals start to look at each other differently.
Unfortunately, some of them think it will help if they piss in the watering hole.
Trump thinks he knows all about military life because he ‘served’ at the New York Military Academy.
And he was there because he was asked to leave The Kew-Forest School.
And then there are the 5 deferments.
Some Commander in Chief he would make.
I get that the media doesn’t like Trump. Does the media get that millions do, and could care less what they think?
Personally, being Canadian I could also care less. American presidents Rep. or Dem. have never changed my life one iota.
However I think this Rex Murphy piece tells a lot of truth to power and explains the recent past and maybe the future somewhat.