Musings —07.12.2016 07:50 AM
—Daisy is tops!
So sayeth NBC:
Reading that, you will perhaps agree with my view that Democrats need to do in 2016 what they did in 1964 – and kick the living shit out of Donald Trump, who makes Goldwater look like a (now-finally-onside) Bernie Sanders.
Why was Daisy so effective? Here’s a (emphasis added) snippet from my book, Fight The Right:
In his book The Responsive Chord, Schwartz suggests that “Daisy” was effective because it stirred up powerful, unarticulated emotions among those who saw the spot. It went deep, deep into the collective psyche of Americans, and spoke to values. “The best political commercials are similar to Rorschach patterns,” he writes. “They do not tell the viewer anything. They surface his feelings and provide a context for him to express those feelings.”
The point of “Daisy,” he explains, is not merely to develop a communications strategy, or to try and get one’s message across. Those are ad agency clichés that don’t begin to capture what Schwartz wanted to achieve. What the best messaging – values messaging – does is begin with messages that already have resonance in a person’s emotional makeup. Values that are already there. The objective, he says, is not simply to order one’s words in a beguiling way, or to invoke the word “values” without every fully understanding what it means. It can’t be emphasized enough: with values messaging, the objective is to stir up deeply felt feelings that are now (and likely have always been) present in a person’s deepest psyche.
Ipso facto, Trump: even his most hardcore supporters have some deep-down, deeply-held misgivings about the guy. Find out what those are, surface them, and beat the bilious bastard to Hell with ’em.
That’s how Daisy won, and how Clinton will win, too.
I’d like to believe it wouldn’t take a rare talent to look into America’s psyche and tap into her deeply felt fear of being governed by a clown.
Will the Sanders people betray Hillary? I hope not.
Why he can’t win.
Pennsylvania white voters:
Trump, 40%
Clinton, 40%
Pennsylvania black voters:
Trump, 0%
Clinton, 91%
— WSJ/NBC/Marist poll