07.13.2016 04:29 PM

Hitlerite Your Ward News writer charged with attempted murder

Check this out:

A woman who once claimed to be Paul Bernardo’s biggest fan is back behind bars after allegedly slashing a guard’s throat at the U.S. Consulate in downtown Toronto. 

Michelle Erstikaitis, 36, who was deemed a dangerous offender five years ago, appeared in a College Park courtroom Tuesday looking dishevelled and ranting about wanting “a refugee lawyer” to handle her case. 

She is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon.
Completely missing from the story: Erstikaitis has been writing crap promoting white supremacy and Naziism for Your Ward News, the hate rag some of us wanted Canada Post to stop delivering (and eventually did). 

Is there a potential for violence coming from this neo-Nazi gang? Of course. And, I’m pleased to note, police are now actively investigating those involved with it.

Enjoy your notoriety while you can, Hitler fan “Doctor” Sears. The fun and games are very shortly coming to an end, you pathetic loser. 


  1. Peter says:

    Do be careful, Warren & Co. The Criminal Code may not be the only statute covering this gang.

  2. JohnB says:

    If she was defined as a dangerous offender, why was she out of custody???

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