09.25.2016 11:40 AM

Canada detains children

This is extraordinary and horrifying. I am astonished by this.

If you object to Canada placing children, inter alia, in solitary confinement, contact your Member of Parliament here. And contact the CBSA, who are detaining children, here.

1 Comment

  1. dave constable says:

    The term ‘children’ can cover a lot of ages with a lot of different capabilities. What is the story about he 16 year old lad from Syria? Was he able to get himself from Syria to USA to Canada, and suddenly he is a helpless being? The article says that some of the children are detained with their families. This seems reasonable to me – keeping all immigrant applicant children with their families is what seems better to me. The Guardian article is a good ‘flag’ for us, and I guess the reporter got a response, albeit vague, from the minister in charge.
    I see this as a a situation that our own media and opposition would do well to probe.

    When I first read the article, I wondered about coordination with our provincial family services ministries. But I already know what ‘numbers’ stresses the ministry is working with in my province. Perhaps some other provinces have the same stresses.

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