10.14.2016 06:59 AM


Sometimes, even war room guys like me get a bit weary of  the metaphoric battlefield. Donald Trump’s daily outrages have lately had that effect on me – they just keep on coming, you know? They are bottomless, and they are exhausting.  Will it ever stop? Can’t he just go away so we can get back to a semblance of normal?

Accordingly, Bad Religion’s Sorrow has been echoing in my head since last week, when we saw them play it at Irving Plaza. Here’s Greg doing it, acoustic-style. It reflects the times.

(And, no, I didn’t know the good Doctor was that good on guitar, either.)

Father can you hear me?
How have I let you down?
I curse the day that I was born
And all the sorrow in this world

Let me take you to the hurting ground
Where all good men are trampled down
Just to settle a bet that could not be won
Between a prideful father and his son
Will you guide me now, for I can’t see
A reason for the suffering and this long misery
What if every living soul could be upright and strong
Well, then I do imagine

There will be sorrow
Yeah there will be sorrow
And there will be sorrow no more

When all soldiers lay their weapons down
Or when all kings and all queens relinquish their crowns
Or when the only true messiah rescues us from ourselves
It’s easy to imagine

There will be sorrow
Yeah there will be sorrow
And there will be sorrow no more

There will be sorrow
Yeah there will be sorrow
And there will be sorrow no more

Yeah there will be sorrow
Yeah there will be sorrow
And there will be sorrow no more


  1. Darren H says:

    I have become incredibly disgusted with the whole US Election. I am disgusted by both candidates. I am disgusted by their campaigns. I am disgusted with MSM and social media. I am disgusted with Trump misogyny. I am disgusted with the Clinton’s hypocrisy toward it (Michelle Obama too. She needs to listen to some of her pal JayZ’s lyrics). In no way does this election seem remotely legitimate no matter who wins. Dangerous times are coming.

  2. dave constable says:

    Yes the media is carrying al kinds of allegations. During the GOP nomination race these people must have had a hard time holding back.

    Can’t figure out the polls this morning – LA Times/USC has a tie between the Big Two, and Rasmussan has Trump ahead in a general election…despite the wall to wall media blitz.

    • Warren says:

      The LA Times is out of whack with every single polling agency in the United States. They change their numbers based upon how people voted in 2012. It’s stupid.

      • cynical says:

        There was a thing on line that explained it. They use a small sample that’s demographically weighted after the survey, so very small changes in response can give disproportionate changes in the polling report.
        I am not a social scientist but it doesn’t seem to be a sensible methodology.

      • cynical says:

        There was a thing on line that explained it. They use a small sample that’s demographically weighted after the survey, so very small changes in response can give disproportionate changes in the polling report.
        I am not a social scientist but it doesn’t seem to be a sensible methodology.

      • dave constable says:

        Yes i noticed for a couple of months that they always had Trump ahead. Made me think that if they had a tie, then the Clinton campaign must bee doing well.
        I don’t have much USA mainstream media, but what I read and see, I just can’t see how the Trump campaign polls as well as it does. How could people choose Trump over Johnson and Stein – never mind Clinton?

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