10.07.2016 11:32 AM

We get letters: a Trump fan (and SFH critic) responds

Clearly, Steve Deceive, Snipe, Bjorn von Flapjack III and Yours Screwly will have to work harder with this correspondent!



  1. Ron says:

    Critics. EEEEEverybody’s a critic.

  2. Pipes says:

    Hey “Suck Ass” is a really good band name.

  3. e.a.f. says:

    so now some of them are music critics also. they know so little about Canada, I’m sure they don’t know whether your band is No. 1 or somewhere else. O.K. perhaps it is better to stay with your day job, but then I’m Canadian and I know what you do in the day job. However, your song, Donald Trump is an asshole, really resonates with me. its something to sing while eating chips and pop corn while watching the debates.

  4. james elder says:

    Fender Squiers are great.

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